Die Waffe die Cole trägt ist die "Elephant Gun". Gegner werden mit einem Schuss sofort getötet und man kan damit Schutzschilder durchschlagen.
Geiles Teil, echt scharf *g*
Ich freu mich aber wieder auf den guten alten Lancer. Hoffentlich muss man in Teil 3 wieder soviel Sägen wie in Teil 2. Ich erinnere nur an den Wurm, da wurde gesägt, aber vom allerfeinsten
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)
Die Waffe die Cole trägt ist die "Elephant Gun". Gegner werden mit einem Schuss sofort getötet und man kan damit Schutzschilder durchschlagen.
Geiles Teil, echt scharf *g*
Ich freu mich aber wieder auf den guten alten Lancer. Hoffentlich muss man in Teil 3 wieder soviel Sägen wie in Teil 2. Ich erinnere nur an den Wurm, da wurde gesägt, aber vom allerfeinsten
Vom allerfeinsten? o0 Die Paar Aterien da die man zersägt... naja
againstdead hat geschrieben:naja ich fand das wurm level irgendwie scheisse
Ein Ungläubiger . Auf ihn
Das Wurm-Level war zu leicht und zu kurz, aber sonst sehr gut gemacht.
War halt mal ne Abwechslung und fast ein bißchen "jump & run".
Und das Raussägen am Ende war genial. Mir hat am besten gefallen, daß die Uniformen total voller Blut waren. Herrlich.
Ich glaub das zock ich heute Abend gleich mal .
Die neuesten Informationen aus dem offiziellen Epic Games-Forum im Überblick. Einiges davon ist sicher schon längst bekannt und wurde hier bereits diskutiert.
General Information
Graphics and Technology:
The graphics have clearly improved incredibly thanks to a new “global illumination system” that creates some amazing lighting and shadowing effects.
The article describes a flag blowing in the breeze, possibly indicating a wind mechanic or at least a simulated graphical effect of wind on certain objects.
Cover still can be chipped away at like Gears of War 2, but more cover is now fully destructible.
The AI path finding has been improved to recognised fully destroyed cover, allowing it to walk right over a spot where cover used to be.
Almost every weapon in the game has its own finishing execution.
Executions must now be earned through a task related to it (presumably to do with the relevant weapon). Once unlocked, you can then freely use it to show off to your friends.
The Scorcher: Jammed into the enemies’ torso, the Scorcher is then fired, causing flames to come out of the body through the eyes and mouth.
The Shotgun: The reloading catch is unhinged, wrapped around the neck of the enemy and then used to snap the enemies’ neck.
Pendulum Lancer: Enemy is slashed open with the bayonet.
Campaign Information
Cliff talks about the underlying themes of Gears of War 3 in the Techland interview:
Cliff Bleszinski hat geschrieben:So, in Gears 2 we had the themes of Dom and Maria and in Gears 3, you'll learn more about Marcus' relationship with his father and Dom dealing with the aftermath of what he's done [in Gears 2].
The game begins with Marcus waking up on Raven's Nest after having nightmares.
Raven's Nest is an aircraft carrier known as Sovereign that has been converted to a floating village. The Gears have tried to create a life for themselves here, and the article seems to indicate they are just trying to live rather than save the planet when the game begins. The Raven’s nest is worn down and heavily beaten up, and is a combination of Sovereign and several other smaller ships tied together.
Coalition of Ordered Governments broke down months before beginning of Gears 3.
Rod describes the Gears now as a “family unit” rather than a squad.
Chairman Prescott returns after going missing several weeks after the sinking of Jacinto. He passes Marcus a data disc that contains a recording from Adam Fenix, claiming he has a way to save the planet.
The article describes it as giving Marcus “one last chance to save his father”. It sounds like this may be a very strong story theme and personal drive for Marcus, considering this is what got him put in prison for originally.
The Queen and the Locust Horde are still surviving, though many Locust are becoming more primal in nature. Some of their weapon technology is actually going backwards, and some of the Locust have turned into savages.
There are two story arcs in the game from the perspective of two squads. The first squad begins with Marcus, Dom, Jace and Anya. Cole and Baird have a separate story arc in the game and do not begin on Raven’s Nest, instead fighting in ruined wastelands. The timelines of the two squads overlap until the finale where everything comes together. Their squad is still unknown, though we are promised “multiple playable female characters” which could indicate Bernadette Mataki from the Gears of War novels will be a possible squad member for this crew.
Cliff describes Anya as a VERY capable Gear.
Jace Stratton from the Gears of War comic series will be a new integral squad member. He is described as a “young soldier who cares more about the people than the war”.
Arcade mode is a new addition for the campaign mode. After beating the game, you can return with your co-op buddies to enter in a scored competitive version of the campaign. Pop-ups will appear throughout the game to show what your friends are achieving, challenging you to better them on the fly. Mutators can also be added to increase the fun in Arcade mode, including big head mode, changed sound effects and more. These mutators will be exclusive to Arcade mode, and will not be found in multiplayer.
Casual difficulty has been made extremely easy. Rod describes it as being “borderline tourist mode” where you’ll rarely die and there is an auto-aim that will basically snap from enemy to enemy.
Multiplayer Information
Gears of War 3 will exceed the multiplayer mode offerings of Gears of War 2.
Thrashball arena: Symmetrical map with a scoreboard in the middle. This can be shot down to produce a change to the middle of the arena with the metallic remnants left behind from the explosion. Visual identifiers (such as downed helicopters) have been used to help identify where you are on the map.
Overpass: Set in Jacinto as the city began to sink. After flooding for a while, the map dynamically changes its surroundings by beginning to sink into the Hollow. This map also contains the “multi-turret”.
Weapons and Vehicles
New Weapons:
It was confirmed from the GI article that the Pendulum Lancer is extremely powerful at closer ranges.
Lee Perry about the Double Barrelled Shotgun:
Lee Perry hat geschrieben:FWIW, that weapon didn't exist until several hundred pages of the shotgun mechanic thread. That doesn't really give much away, considering the VAST amount of conflicting opinions in that thread; but the opinions in that thread definitely helped shape the weapon.
Haha, I wonder if we could have made a trailer with basically a slow camera pan down a new shotgun and had about the same amount of interest from existing players, hahha.
Lee Perry hat geschrieben:I think it's a logical conclusion that a stubby sawn off shotgun would have a wide spread and very short range. Those are both advantages and disadvantages though, and the balancing factors should be fairly self evident.
The GI article says the DBS reticule fills half the screen and can kill multiple enemies at once!
The Digger Launcher fires a locust “Piranha-like” creature into the ground, which then emerges and explodes.
New heavy weapon known as the One Shot is a recoilless rifle that can take down almost any enemy in the game with, as the name says, one shot.
The “multi-turret” is a new fixed weapon that can have its four weapon slots traded for almost any weapon you currently hold. By standard, it holds four Pendulum Lancers.
A grenade known as the Incendiary will join the new group of weapons.
Returning Weapons:
The Hammerburst has an extended zoom thanks to the new scope, and can headshot enemies.
Some information on the Gnasher from Lee Perry:
Lee Perry hat geschrieben:I've definitely never said the gnasher was less powerful, that's your words. The Gnasher is very likely still the weapon of choice for most good shotty players; not being at the far end of the "specific range role" spectrum, it's a much more general purpose weapon.
Smoke, Frag and Ink Grenades have all been confirmed to be returning.
The Silverback is a new COG mech suit that was originally a “Loader” of sorts which has been modified to include weapons. The default weapons are a rocket launcher on the left arm and a gatling gun on the right. In mobile mode, it can also run at high speeds and even curb stomp enemies on top of using the attached weapons. In stationary mode, the body expands to create cover for allies whilst still allowing weapon usage.
Enemy Information
Locust Enemies:
The Locust Savage wields primitive weapons and charges at the player like a barbarian.
The Locust have enslaved another beast to use against its will. It is used as a catapult to launch flaming balls of ammo at enemies by having it’s legs bent back.
Lambent Enemies:
All lambent that are close to dying will charge the nearest Gear in an attempt to deal explosive damage (almost like a Kamikaze run).
New “crab-like” Lambent that explode when destroyed.
Lambent Drudge: An imulsion controlled Locust Drone that mutates as you fight it. It can grow longer legs to get a shot on you over cover, forcing you to move from your position. It can grow longer arms to attack three people at a time to negate the group co-op advantage. Destroying the body of this enemy isn’t enough, as the lambent tentacles can still come after you after the inhabited body is destroyed. The article describes it as being like a “twisted snake”.