- Takeda and Takahashi feel that their differing viewpoints of the same situation helped lead them to creating a better game with Xenoblade
- when Takeda or Takahashi couldn't come to a conclusion on something, Nintendo stepped in to help out
- the pair met weekly, every Thursday, in order to keep problems from piling up
- this schedule went on for one year before the script was completed
- at the end of it all, no one remembered what ideas came from what people
- Takeda focused heavily on Shulk, the main character
- it was intensely important to create a protagonist that players simply couldn't dislike
- Takahashi wouldn't allow the creation of a silent protagonist
- the team feels that there isn't a single character in the game that can be classified as the silent type
- party members will cheer you on during battle
- the game is so huge that Colony 9 alone could have been the setting for the entire game
- there are number of places that will make you want to just stop and look around
- one quest's instructions are as follows: “Collect 400 of this item.”
- Takeda defines Xenoblade with a “macro vs. micro” perspective; comparing the huge world to tiny people
- Takahashi defines the game as the journey and growth of the protagonist
- Takahashi got the Xenoblade idea while riding on a train: “Wouldn’t it be interesting if people lived on the bodies of something huge, like gods?”
- Takahashi immediately started writing down details for his game idea, and soon thereafter, a georama was made
- Takahashi knew he wanted to work with Takeda right off the bat
- Takeda has a ton of scenario experience from the world of anime
- Takeda wanted the protagonist's party members to betray him at the end of the game, with one of them becoming the villain
- Takahashi thought this would be too harsh on the player
Xenoblade - Das große Rollenspiel für 2010
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure
- cliché-filled, soft washed angsty boy, you liked so much in Final Fantasy VII, didn't you?Laner hat geschrieben:- Takeda focused heavily on Shulk, the main character
- it was intensely important to create a protagonist that players simply couldn't dislike
- Takahashi wouldn't allow the creation of a silent protagonist
- Takeda has a ton of scenario experience from the world of anime
- Takeda wanted the protagonist's party members to betray him at the end of the game, with one of them becoming the villain
- Takahashi thought this would be too harsh on the player
PSNID/NINID/Steam: crewmate
Xbox: cordia96
Xbox: cordia96
ich freu mich schon richtig darauf ^-^[/url]this is the model that has been referred to in past interviews
- Takeda got involved with the project when Takahashi realized that the project would take a ton of work
- Takahashi initially detailed a base plot for the game
- Takahashi, Takeda, the producer and director took part in a process of throwing ideas back and forth which they likened to playing catch
- this process allows for sharing of ideas, and reshaping of some elements
- Takeda is very well respected because of his work on anime scripts, with Takahashi thinking that this knowledge from outside the game industry is very important
- Takeda's manuscript served as a guideline for setting up the game
- the team would refer to this script for a clear idea of translating elements into game form
- Takeda also offered up dialog, which Takahashi admitted was often better than his own
- Takahashi and Takeda have a similar taste in books and movies, making it easy for them to work together
- Takahashi and Takeda were often impressed with seeing revisions the other would make, which helped them to learn new ways of approaching the same situation
- Nintendo made a large number of requests for change upon viewing the script
- Takahashi was happy to see this line of requests, as it helped give another perspective
- scenario meetings took place at the Monolith offices every Thursday
- Takeda wanted to have things like betrayal and unexpectedness in the main character, but brought about by outside forces rather than from things internal to the main character like dialogue
- Takahashi wanted to make sure the main character was loved by the player, and that that love didn't turn to hate
- Takahashi had the Mario Club share their impressions of the characters
- Mario Club liked the character and allies
- Takahashi feels this may be the first time he has created characters that the main player doesn't start out happy with, and then grows to hate as the game goes on
- with all the characters involved having speaking parts, it was tough to retain a character's personality when responding to all the various conversations that can come up
- Takeda wrote tons of dialog to make sure all possible answers for questions were there
- Takeda feels the scenario is just part of the game's massive world
- the huge game world is densely packed as well
- "There is always some sort of return for the player taking some action." - Iwata
- recording the battle voice system became a very lengthy process
- so much was recorded that some of the staff felt the characters talked too much, so some adjustments were made
- comments from your allies is almost always positive, even if the situation is dire
- "I hope that you enjoy the game while adventuring through this expansive world and feeling the contrast between micro and macro." - Takeda
- "What I personally wanted to tell in this world is how these main characters of a tiny existence grow and head off on a journey. So, it's okay to say that the theme for this game is, in a word, 'heading off on a journey.' The main characters head off on a journey in the prologue of the game, but I wanted to tell the part where they advance in the direction of the future and an as yet unknown world." - Takahashi
Naja, meine Freude hält sich in Grenzen. Irgendwie schreckt mich die Grafik (Charakte Design) schon ein bisschen ab.^^ Aber ich werds mir schichlich angucken wenns gute Bewertungen bekommt, und wenn ich Jrpgs haben will bleibt ja immer noch The Last Story und Tales of Grace. 

Futurama startet wieder

Soundtrack auf 4 CDs
Nazischwerts Soundtrack wird scheinbar sehr umfangreich.
Da Nintendo nie soclhen Merch in Europa veröffentlicht, heißt es nur lange downloaden.
http://www.destructoid.com/xenoblade-s- ... 5985.phtml
Nazischwerts Soundtrack wird scheinbar sehr umfangreich.
Da Nintendo nie soclhen Merch in Europa veröffentlicht, heißt es nur lange downloaden.
http://www.destructoid.com/xenoblade-s- ... 5985.phtml
PSNID/NINID/Steam: crewmate
Xbox: cordia96
Xbox: cordia96
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G70R5tOa ... r_embedded
die ersten 10 Minuten
Edit: das war schon episch D:
die ersten 10 Minuten
Edit: das war schon episch D:
- Chibiterasu
- Beiträge: 28639
- Registriert: 20.08.2009 20:37
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Hier in der Galerie sollen einige neue hochauflösende Screenshots zu finden sein. Ich bekomm da aber irgendeinen Darstellungsfehler angezeigt.
http://nintendowiix.net/news_details.ph ... -xenoblade
In der Galerie darunter sind aber auch einige Bilder, dabei die ich noch nicht kenne und ich muss sagen es sieht echt toll aus!
http://nintendowiix.net/news_details.ph ... -xenoblade
In der Galerie darunter sind aber auch einige Bilder, dabei die ich noch nicht kenne und ich muss sagen es sieht echt toll aus!
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701262
field gameplay wow
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701229
bosskampf gameplay wow²
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701230
cinematics mit spoilergefahr wow³
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701263
opening spoiler!
field gameplay wow
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701229
bosskampf gameplay wow²
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701230
cinematics mit spoilergefahr wow³
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/japan ... ade/701263
opening spoiler!
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Wii Besitzer sind bereits seit über 3 Jahren Ehrlicher und Aktueller Informiert

Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
- Chibiterasu
- Beiträge: 28639
- Registriert: 20.08.2009 20:37
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