- And Yet It Moves
- Fish'em All
- Urbanix (Bulldozerspiel)
'Habe bereits alle ausprobiert und muß sagen, dass mich davon nichts sehr zusagte.

Falls die eine oder andere Demo schon erwähnt wurde, bitte ich um Nachsicht.
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baumkuchen O_O .... wenn ein japaner Baumkuchen sagt .... machts bei mir klickCrewmate hat geschrieben:“Baumkuchen Souveniers!“
Suda51 kündigt per Twitter eine baldige Ankündigung an. Wir sollten nur etwas Geduld haben.
du meinst wohl No More Heroes 3DSJ1natic hat geschrieben:No More Heroes 3DSCrewmate hat geschrieben:“Baumkuchen Souveniers!“
Suda51 kündigt per Twitter eine baldige Ankündigung an. Wir sollten nur etwas Geduld haben.
WTF? iiiih asukas stimme pfuipfuipfuikindra_riegel hat geschrieben:Immer wieder genialLevi hat geschrieben: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhJVsOM ... re=related
(ab 2:37 speziell ab 3:05)SpoilerShow(sie ist deutsch) .... initilisiert ihren "EVA" ... auf deutsch ... der Junge (Japaner) ist da blöderweise mit drin (notfallbedingt)..... plötzlich fehler: ... sie motzt ihn an er solle doch gefälligst auf "Deutsch" denken, wenn er schon denken muss .... er daraufhin, überlegt: ... "BAUMKüCHEN" ....
iiiihhh pfui du hast nge auf nicht japanisch geguckt oO bähSonnie hat geschrieben:WTF? iiiih asukas stimme pfuipfuipfuikindra_riegel hat geschrieben:Immer wieder genialLevi hat geschrieben: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhJVsOM ... re=related
(ab 2:37 speziell ab 3:05)SpoilerShow(sie ist deutsch) .... initilisiert ihren "EVA" ... auf deutsch ... der Junge (Japaner) ist da blöderweise mit drin (notfallbedingt)..... plötzlich fehler: ... sie motzt ihn an er solle doch gefälligst auf "Deutsch" denken, wenn er schon denken muss .... er daraufhin, überlegt: ... "BAUMKüCHEN" ....
Und WTF². Ihr habt NGE... schon auf japanisch geguckt?
Scheint da ist jemand immernoch angefressen das er die Wii HD Wette verloren hat“With as much respect for Nintendo management as I can muster, I think Nintendo's completely blown it with their second generation Wii strategy. I think they have the mentality that to launch a new [console] they have to retire the old, and I think that's wrong. I think the right strategy would have been to get a second generation Wii out and keep the old Wii at the same time, and have the second generation be the natural progression upgrade model," he said. "You don't see Mercedes stopping production of the E-Class because they have a C-Class... So they should let people start with the Wii and graduate to the Wii 2, and have online functionality and Call of Duty multiplayer on there and compete with the 360. Instead, they're actually conceding that multiplayer market to Xbox 360 and PS3. They've always conceded it, but now with Kinect and Move, it's a lot easier for people to make 360 or PS3 their starter console. I just think Nintendo's blown it; I think by the time they launch [their next console] if it's Christmas 2011, it's two years too late, and for sure one year too late. So it's over – I don't think they can ever recover. Wii sales will continue to decline and I think Wii 2 will not sell well. And third parties aren't going to support it unless it's really similar to a 360... and when I say similar, I mean so that it's easy for them to port games from 360 to Wii 2. If Nintendo advances the technology, and it's more powerful than a PS3, then no one's going to support it. That's a problem, and so they're really stuck. If they were going to emulate the 360, which is what I thought they'd do, they should have done that in 2009. And if they're going to advance the tech, then 2011 is really not the right year. They're really in between right now. All your readers will say, 'Who's that guy to second guess Nintendo management because they're brilliant?' Well, they're right – Nintendo makes a lot of money, and the management has accomplished a hell of a lot more in their careers than I have. I'm just one guy with an opinion." - Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter
So schwachsinnig... macht euch ans Werk :wink:Capcom's Yoshinori Ono has confirmed interest in a Nintendo x Capcom fighter. At the Nintendo 3DS conference in Amsterdam yesterday, Cubed3 attended Ono-san's roundtable session and managed to ask the key question: "Considering you are trying to make Street Fighter IV 3DS accessible to a wider audience, did you ever think about including Nintendo characters to broaden the appeal?"
Rather than brushing the question off completely, instead Ono-san reacted very positively, saying he would like to make a Nintendo x Capcom fighting game and that the idea should be pitched to Nintendo of Japan and Masahiro Sakurai.