Ich möchte hier meinen neuen Counter Strike: Source Surf XXL rpg dm server vorstellen mit viele extras .
Name: [GER]-[Surf] -XXL RPG- /DM/laser/showdamage/rank by Gameserver64.de
Slots: 24
Vac status: nicht gesichert
Addons: XXLrpg (Hier kann man mit rpgmenu sachen aufwerten wie dein Leben), DM (Durch Deathmatch wirst du nach deinem Tod in wenigen Sekunden wiederbelebt), laser (Jeder schuss strahlt einen laser aus), showdamage (Wenn du einen Gegner anschießt/knifst siehst du wie viel schaden du ihm gemacht hast), Throwingknives (Du kannst 3 Messer auf deinen Gegner mit linksklick werfen nach jedem Messerkill kriegst du 3 neue Messer)
Tick: 66
Sprache: Deutsch
Map: meist surf_machine4 (demnächst surf_machine4_sky_v3 ab dann only^^)
Ich hoffe ihr besucht mich mal auf meinem Server, bitte gebt mir ein Feedback und Verbesserrungsvorschläge.
Counter Strike: Source Server Vorstellung
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure
- Penguin9599
- Beiträge: 10
- Registriert: 14.01.2011 17:34
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Cool, guter server, nur mir fehlt persöhnlich VAC!
Sonst gute arbeit
Sonst gute arbeit
95 % der Jugend würde weinen, wenn sie Justin Bieber auf einem Wolkenkratzer stehen sehen und er runter springen will. Wenn du auch zu den restlichen 5% gehörst, die Popcorn essen und dabei 'DO A BACKFLIP' schreien würdest, dann Kopier diesen Text in deine Signatur!
Hat jemand noch vorschläge was ich noch draufmachen könnte auf den Server?^^ und weiß jemand wieso meine signatur nicht geht? xD
<a href="hlsw://"><img src="http://gameserver64.de/status.php?op=gs ... gn1-4"></a>
<iframe src="http://module.game-monitor.com/95.156.2 ... 0&h1bg=FF1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="135" width="240"></iframe>
<iframe src="http://module.game-monitor.com/95.156.2 ... 0&h1bg=FF1" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="135" width="240"></iframe>
Ich habe ein problem mit meinem rpg kann mir da einer helfen wenn der server neugestartet wird dann ist rpg immer weg und er wurde auch schon gespeichert also liegt es nicht am hoster^^.
rpg cfg:
// SourceRPG version 2.1.063 by Freddukes AKA Pro Noob
// ../addons/eventscripts/sourcerpg/config.cfg
// >>> To config the skills, see ../sourcerpg/skills.cfg <<<
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ***** MESSAGE SETTINGS *****
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The level of debug. The higher the level the more SPAM in console and laggier it is. 0 = disable
srpg_debugMode 0
// The prefix of the script (will appear before every text message)
srpg_prefix "[SourceRPG]"
// Whether or not a player is told their XP and level each time they gain experience
srpg_announceXp 1
// Whether or not a player is informed about their xp and level status upon spawn
srpg_announceOnSpawn 1
// Whether or not the server will be notified about a player leveling up
srpg_levelUp 1
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ******** XP SETTINGS *******
// ****************************
// ****************************
// If there are 0 enemies on the opposite team, enabling this stops players from achieving experience
srpg_disableUnfairAdvantageXp 1
// The amount of experience gained from a kill multiplied by the victim's level
srpg_killXp 600
// The amount of additional xp received for a headshot kill
srgp_headshotXp 800
// The amount of experience received from planting the bomb multiplied by the user's level
srpg_bombPlantXp 150
// The amount of experience received from waiting until the bomb exploded multiplied by the user's level
srpg_bombExplodeXp 100
// The amount of experience received from defusing the bomb
srpg_bombDefuseXp 100
// The amount of experience received by making a hostage follow you (per hostage) multiplied by the user's level
srpg_hostageFollowXp 100
// The amount of experience received by rescuing a hostage (per hostage) multiplied by the user's level
srpg_hostageRescueXp 100
// The amount of experience needed to level up the first time
srpg_startXp 250
// After starting, this is the incremental amount of experience from level to level
srpg_xpIncrement 500
// The amount of credits players begin with
srpg_startCredits 1000
// The amount of credits received each level up
srpg_creditsReceived 30
// The percentage of credits received when selling credits
srpg_sellPercentage 75
// The amount of experience gained for each point of damage dealt
srpg_damageXp 3000.0
// This section will be for adding specific weapons to the damage table.
// If the weapon is not specified here, then each damage dealt with that weapon
// will be damageXp. For example, if you want every damage with a knife
// to gain you 8 experience, then you can specify that here. You can also
// specify the amount of additional experience gained from a kill with this
// weapon. For example if you wanted a knife to gain you 8 experience for
// each damage dealt, and an additonal 50 experience for killing a player,
// the command would be as follows:
// srpg addweaponxp knife 8 50
// The last parameter (the kill xp) is optional so you can ommit it if you wish.
// srpg addweaponxp <weapon name> <amount of xp per damage dealt> [optional: amount of xp per kill]
// End of specific weapon commands here
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ***** GENERAL SETTINGS *****
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The maximum level possible before a player can no longer achieve more experience, 0 to disable
srpg_maxLevel 999999999
// When a player reaches the maximum level, will their stats be reset?
srpg_maxLevelReset 0
// When the top 10 players total levels add together to make this level, the servers database will reset. 0 to disable
srpg_serverMaxLevel 999999999999
// Whether or not a player's popup to upgrade their stats will appear when they level up
srpg_popupStatus 1
// The amount of days a player can be inactive before they are removed from the database
srpg_inactivityCounter 9000
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****** SOUND SETTINGS ******
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The sound played when a player upgrades a skill, use "" for no sound
srpg_skillUpgradeSound "ambient/machines/machine1_hit2.wav"
// The sound played when a player downgrades a skill, use "" to disable
srpg_skillDowngradeSound "vehicles/apc/apc_shutdown.wav"
// The sound played when a player levels up, use "" to disable
srpg_levelupSound "ambient/energy/whiteflash.wav"
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// "round end" or "intervals". Use "intervals" for a deathmatch server (see below) otherwise use "round end"
srpg_saveType "round end"
// This only applies if saveType is set to intervals. This is the amount of time in seconds that the database will save.
srpg_saveLength 0.25
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ******* TURBO MODE *********
// ****************************
// ****************************
// Whether or not turbo mode is enabled
srpg_turboMode 0
// If turbo mode is on, will a message be sent at spawn tell them about it
srpg_turboModeAnnounce 1
// The amount that the experience is multiplied by in turbo mode
srpg_turboXpMultiplier 30// The amount that the credits gained are multiplied by in turbo mode.
// The amount that the credits gained are multiplied by in turbo mode.
srpg_turboCreditMultiplier 30// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ********** BOTS ************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The maximum level of bots, 0 to not have a maximum level
srpg_botMaxLevel 500
// Do bots receive experience when attacking other humans?
srpg_botsGetXpVsHumans 1
// Do humans receive experience when attacking other bots?
srpg_humansGetXpVsBots 1
// Do bots receive experience when attacking other bots?
srpg_botsGetXpVsBots 1
// Do bots receive experience on events such as bomb plant and bomb defuse etc?
srpg_botsGetXpOnEvents 1
Bitte helft mir MfG: walleout
rpg cfg:
// SourceRPG version 2.1.063 by Freddukes AKA Pro Noob
// ../addons/eventscripts/sourcerpg/config.cfg
// >>> To config the skills, see ../sourcerpg/skills.cfg <<<
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ***** MESSAGE SETTINGS *****
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The level of debug. The higher the level the more SPAM in console and laggier it is. 0 = disable
srpg_debugMode 0
// The prefix of the script (will appear before every text message)
srpg_prefix "[SourceRPG]"
// Whether or not a player is told their XP and level each time they gain experience
srpg_announceXp 1
// Whether or not a player is informed about their xp and level status upon spawn
srpg_announceOnSpawn 1
// Whether or not the server will be notified about a player leveling up
srpg_levelUp 1
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ******** XP SETTINGS *******
// ****************************
// ****************************
// If there are 0 enemies on the opposite team, enabling this stops players from achieving experience
srpg_disableUnfairAdvantageXp 1
// The amount of experience gained from a kill multiplied by the victim's level
srpg_killXp 600
// The amount of additional xp received for a headshot kill
srgp_headshotXp 800
// The amount of experience received from planting the bomb multiplied by the user's level
srpg_bombPlantXp 150
// The amount of experience received from waiting until the bomb exploded multiplied by the user's level
srpg_bombExplodeXp 100
// The amount of experience received from defusing the bomb
srpg_bombDefuseXp 100
// The amount of experience received by making a hostage follow you (per hostage) multiplied by the user's level
srpg_hostageFollowXp 100
// The amount of experience received by rescuing a hostage (per hostage) multiplied by the user's level
srpg_hostageRescueXp 100
// The amount of experience needed to level up the first time
srpg_startXp 250
// After starting, this is the incremental amount of experience from level to level
srpg_xpIncrement 500
// The amount of credits players begin with
srpg_startCredits 1000
// The amount of credits received each level up
srpg_creditsReceived 30
// The percentage of credits received when selling credits
srpg_sellPercentage 75
// The amount of experience gained for each point of damage dealt
srpg_damageXp 3000.0
// This section will be for adding specific weapons to the damage table.
// If the weapon is not specified here, then each damage dealt with that weapon
// will be damageXp. For example, if you want every damage with a knife
// to gain you 8 experience, then you can specify that here. You can also
// specify the amount of additional experience gained from a kill with this
// weapon. For example if you wanted a knife to gain you 8 experience for
// each damage dealt, and an additonal 50 experience for killing a player,
// the command would be as follows:
// srpg addweaponxp knife 8 50
// The last parameter (the kill xp) is optional so you can ommit it if you wish.
// srpg addweaponxp <weapon name> <amount of xp per damage dealt> [optional: amount of xp per kill]
// End of specific weapon commands here
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ***** GENERAL SETTINGS *****
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The maximum level possible before a player can no longer achieve more experience, 0 to disable
srpg_maxLevel 999999999
// When a player reaches the maximum level, will their stats be reset?
srpg_maxLevelReset 0
// When the top 10 players total levels add together to make this level, the servers database will reset. 0 to disable
srpg_serverMaxLevel 999999999999
// Whether or not a player's popup to upgrade their stats will appear when they level up
srpg_popupStatus 1
// The amount of days a player can be inactive before they are removed from the database
srpg_inactivityCounter 9000
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****** SOUND SETTINGS ******
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The sound played when a player upgrades a skill, use "" for no sound
srpg_skillUpgradeSound "ambient/machines/machine1_hit2.wav"
// The sound played when a player downgrades a skill, use "" to disable
srpg_skillDowngradeSound "vehicles/apc/apc_shutdown.wav"
// The sound played when a player levels up, use "" to disable
srpg_levelupSound "ambient/energy/whiteflash.wav"
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// "round end" or "intervals". Use "intervals" for a deathmatch server (see below) otherwise use "round end"
srpg_saveType "round end"
// This only applies if saveType is set to intervals. This is the amount of time in seconds that the database will save.
srpg_saveLength 0.25
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ******* TURBO MODE *********
// ****************************
// ****************************
// Whether or not turbo mode is enabled
srpg_turboMode 0
// If turbo mode is on, will a message be sent at spawn tell them about it
srpg_turboModeAnnounce 1
// The amount that the experience is multiplied by in turbo mode
srpg_turboXpMultiplier 30// The amount that the credits gained are multiplied by in turbo mode.
// The amount that the credits gained are multiplied by in turbo mode.
srpg_turboCreditMultiplier 30// ****************************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// ********** BOTS ************
// ****************************
// ****************************
// The maximum level of bots, 0 to not have a maximum level
srpg_botMaxLevel 500
// Do bots receive experience when attacking other humans?
srpg_botsGetXpVsHumans 1
// Do humans receive experience when attacking other bots?
srpg_humansGetXpVsBots 1
// Do bots receive experience when attacking other bots?
srpg_botsGetXpVsBots 1
// Do bots receive experience on events such as bomb plant and bomb defuse etc?
srpg_botsGetXpOnEvents 1
Bitte helft mir MfG: walleout