Radio Free Nintendo - Ein Nintendo Podcast für Erwachsene

Hier geht es um alles rund um Nintendos neuen 3D-Handheld.

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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

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Episode 292: The Show Must Go On!
May 20, 2012 - 1:36 P.M.
Ladies and gentlemen, we present the newest member of the Radio Free Nintendo family: Guillaume Veillette. On his first episode as a regular member and our new official editor, we spend some time getting to know this mysterious fellow with his own alluring accent. But first, New Business! Sadly, James had to miss this week, so you'll have to wait a little longer for the entire crew to form Captain Planet (GameCube). Therefore, Jonny kicks it off with a renewed dalliance with Mario Kart 7, now that the online mode has been patched to be far more bearable. (If you haven't already joined the NWR "Communities", be sure to do that now!) He also adores The Walking Dead's first episodic entry from Telltale Games, who continue to push the point/click adventure way beyond a simple revival. Lindy focuses on a single game, but it's a big deal: Diablo 3. We compare it to the imminent Heroes of Ruin for 3DS and also ponder if this mega-hit from Blizzard would make sense on Wii U. Guillaume closes the segment with a laundry list of games, starting with an old favorite: Link's Awakening DX. He also test out a pair of WiiWare titles recently offered up on Club Nintendo: Intelligent Systems' Eco Shooter: Plant 530 and Skip Ltd.'s Snowpack Park. Which boutique studio will come out on top in this duel of the free games?

After an especially awkward Now Playing (as it should be), we return to Guillaume himself and ask a series of interview-style questions to catch up with our newest cohort. How did gaming help him learn English? What are his favorite games and genres? How did he end up doing podcasts? What are his other interests? And what's his preferred style of poutine? We hope his answers will help get you up to speed so we can focus on building up the new chemistry. And on that note, we also address some of your Listener Mail! This week's letters cover Nintendo's exclusive deals with GameStop, the future of consoles as subscription-based devices, and the ongoing efforts of Operation Rainfall. We're still digging through a big pile of wonderful emails, but don't let that keep you from adding your own to the stack!
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Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existieren

Beitrag von E-G »

Ups... die trauerperiode rund um gregs abschied hat sich wohl auch aufs posting verhalten ausgewirkt

Episode 293: Four on the Floor
May 27, 2012 - 9:47 A.M.
With James back this week, the gang is finally complete, and Mr. Jones wastes no time before launching into a full-on rant for Disaster: Day of Crisis (from the makers of Xenoblade Chronicles). Guillaume checks out Kirby's Block Ball on 3DS Virtual Console, an oddly challenging spin-off for the pink puff. Kirby, that is. GUI also checks out the obscure variant All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. and provides a book recommendation. Jon finally digs into Mario Kart 7, which he had largely ignored in favor of 3D Land since picking up his system early this year. And Jonny caps off a brisk New Business with Cloudberry Kingdom, a zany 2D platformer coming not only to Steam (where Kickstarter supporters can already play the beta) but also Wii U! Hey, what other podcast gives you impressions of a Wii U digital download title (and a hugely promising one, at that) more than a week before E3?

As this will be our last big show before E3 (with several to come during the show itself), we scrambled together the annual preview feature with a little help from an old friend. Foci include Western support/enthusiasm for 3DS, online strategies, and reintroducing the world to Wii U. It's probably the biggest E3 since Radio Free Nintendo began, and we are thoroughly excited and scared by all the possibilities.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 294: Something in Common
June 16, 2012 - 8:46 P.M.
It's so very good to be home. Guillaume and Jonny are back from E3 to rejoin Jon and James, who kicked ass on the Home Team along with many other stellar NWR staff members. After a week of obsessive reporting on Nintendo and E3, you'd think we would be sick of it all. Instead, we had to carefully watch the clock to make sure we didn't record too much for GUI to handle this weekend!

We ease into the E3 talk with a weird prologue of Disaster: Day of Crisis and Pandora's Tower, courtesy of James. Then our resident FPS fan, Mr. Lindemann, muses on the possibilities for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (and the Elite service) on Wii U. Guillaume shares his positive impressions of Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion for 3DS and New Super Mario Bros U. Jonny had a few games in mind for this segment, but a segue into New Super Mario Bros 2 (the 3DS one...) derails the rest of the segment as we collectively inquire why this game exists and how it could turn out to be a good thing.

Right before the Now Playing segment, you can listen to interviews about Cloudberry Kingdom, The Last Story, the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses tour and Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion. Each in their own chapter for your convenience!

But the inquiries don't stop there! Listener Mail offers an amusingly lop-sided pair of letters. The first is a simple list of over a dozen quick-fire E3 questions, mostly focused on the Wii U controllers and other non-software topics. The other is a very short, simple inquiry about how Nintendo uses this annual showcase, and naturally, that's the one that sends us into an astonishing tirade on Nintendo's overall performance at E3 and how it may or may not affect the eventual fate of their new console and its already-forgotten handheld cousin.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von Bluewoodtree »

Greg fehlt schon irgendwie, er war halt eine Persoenlichkeit, ohne ihn wirkt der Podcast schon fast austauschbar. Ich weiss nicht, ob und wie lange ich den Podcast noch verfolgen werde
Beiträge: 23068
Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

mal sehen

paar nachholen:
Episode 295: Too Many Bones
June 24, 2012 - 2:34 P.M.
We start this show with an odd slate of games, starting with Guillaume's latest venture into Zen Pinball 3D (anticipating Marvel Pinball for 3DS) and his recent trips to a "gamer bar" in Montreal. He also played Infamous 2 thanks to PS+, but he has plenty of criticism for the superhero sequel. Jon catches up with the "original" Call of Duty: Black Ops and encounters some truly bizarre bugs in this two-year-old game. Jonny tries and fails to play Tomba, the classic PSone platformer, but he does successfully provide an update on his progress through Kid Icarus: Uprising. James closes the segment with one of his signature review rants on the completely pointless DSiWare puzzle game, Seven Wonders of the World... 2!

In Listener Mail, we continue to churn through the extensive backlog with several excellent questions from the crowd. Topics include MotionPlus on Wii U, the return of Advance Wars, the retro-future of handheld gaming, the industry's health overall, and Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow on Virtual Console. Send your own emails for next time, please!

Episode 296: Smooth But Not Silky
July 1, 2012 - 5:36 P.M.
Jon is on vacation this week, but our good friend Michael "TYP" Cole stepped in and even brought some New Business with him. Mike catches up with the brilliant Portal 2 and a classic portable jam, Game & Watch Gallery 2. Jonny reports on the Kingdom Hearts 3D (awful subtitle omitted) demo, gets really angry at a late boss in Xenoblade Chronicles, and gives quick impressions of the bizarre Tomba as referenced last week. James is still deep into Pandora's Tower and evaluates the game's chances of an American release. Finally, our faithful editor Guillaume packs in more Infamous 2, the retail-to-eShop game Order Up!, and the overlooked party masterpiece that is WarioWare: Smooth Moves for Wii.

After a quick break, we look back at last week's post-E3 Nintendo Direct event. Why did it happen so soon after the last one and all those E3 media briefings? Where was the 3DS XL at gaming's biggest showcase, anyway? Are we planning to buy the new mega-sized system? How does the extra heft jive with our StreetPass obsessions? What's the deal with Namco-Bandai helping Masahiro Sakurai on the new Smash Bros. games? What can we expect from the New Super Mario Bros. 2 downloadable levels, and how much should they cost? Most importantly, do the full-game purchases, Virtual Console promotions, weekend sales, and a new Vice-President mean that Nintendo is finally realizing the dream of eShop? We cover all this and more -- it's a very interesting time to be a Nintendo fan!
vor allem die zweite hälfte kann ich empfehlen, auch wenn einige fehler in bezug aufn europäischen markt drin sind.

leider is der gute alte Guillaume teilweise recht anstrengend was zuhören angeht... das übliche non nativ speaker syndrom... alles is like like like you know like... so leid es mir auch tut das zu sagen :(
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von caedez »

Fun Fact: Auch "native speaker" machen "like, like, like, like". Eigentlich vor allem die.
Beiträge: 23068
Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

aber zumindest nicht wärend der show...

Episode 297: Hippy Shows
July 8, 2012 - 12:02 P.M.
With Jon still stranded on a beach somewhere, and Jonny lost deep in the heart of NYC, James and Guillaume find comfort in the warm embrace of NWR founder Billy Berghammer.

Billy uses this platform as his chance to reflect on the E3 that was - and to solicit our thoughts on what is widely considered a bit of a disappointing show. He also has impressions from Mario Tennis Open and Gravity Rush. Guillaume hates on Popcap Games, with Billy leading a spirited defense of the EA subsidiary's works, and discusses being the "co" in Super Mario Galaxy's co-star mode. James rounds out new business with a look-back on a Game Boy game from his past, Kid Dracula, a Konami-produced self-parody of Castlevania games.

In listener mail, the trio discuss Nintendo in the world of the $100 million video game, Nintendo in the world of downloadable games, and practical purchasing advice for the RPG-gamer on the go.

Episode 298: How Many Licks Does It Take?
July 15, 2012 - 9:35 P.M.
This week's show begins with everyone reuniting after both Jonny and Jon were out last week. New Business starts with Jonny's woeful tale of how he lost his 3DS in New York and then missed recording RFN, making for a Very Bad Day in the city of dreams. In happier news, he did recently finish Xenoblade Chronicles and shares a measured response to the ending as well as a glowing review of the overall experience. Jonny also advises against playing through the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, but not for the reason you might expect. Mr. Lindemann, returning from his own vacation, finds that his bowling skills have severely deteriorated in Wii Sports. He also shares some appreciative thoughts on Lollipop Chainsaw, the latest fever dream of Suda 51 (see also: Killer 7, No More Heroes). James finally catches up with Tales of the Abyss, the robust RPG for your 3DS, and he confirms reports of the game's bizarre storytelling. Guillaume brings it home (rhyme!) with a pair of eShop downloads from earlier this year: the challenging platformer Mutant Mudds, and the depthless Punch-Out clone we know as Sakura Samurai.

Jon had to step out after Now Playing, so the remaining trio digs in for an energetic round of Listener Mail. First up is an extensive look into load times and storage media for gaming systems, including Wii U -- but the conversation also takes a surprising turn towards the apparently highly sought WiFi dongle released for taking Nintendo DS online. Then we answer a desperately terse question about Project Sora's closing (and Namco Bandai's huge push for Smash Bros.) with a massive, James-led exploration of Japanese shadow companies and how the Tekken developer could benefit from this partnership. Finally, we look deep into the ways Nintendo collects feedback from the media, fans, and its own experts -- and how that feedback is used (or not) to direct development of future releases. This segment spans over an hour despite covering only three questions with three podcasters! Keep the magic flowing by sending us your own excellent questions.
vor allem episode 298 würd ich empfehlen, hat sehr interessante stellen drin.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Registriert: 31.07.2012 15:51
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von Pandareus »

E-G hat geschrieben:leider is der gute alte Guillaume teilweise recht anstrengend was zuhören angeht... das übliche non nativ speaker syndrom... alles is like like like you know like... so leid es mir auch tut das zu sagen :(
I know it's a problem, it annoys me too when I listen to the episodes, but I try really hard to curb that. Give me a chance: over time, I can only improve! :)
Beiträge: 23068
Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

oh snap. are you the real one? oO I think I was a little bit to harsh. It's a common "problem" that sadly effects basically all americans. With Greg gone I just started noticing it more and more (but over time even he started saying it). So don't take it too hard. I still enjoy the show and your taste in games.

At that time, I was just pissed that another podcast lost it's "european" voice. There aren't that many european podcasts anyway, and there certainly aren't any talking about handheld and nintendo games.

Episode 299: Premature Evacuation
July 29, 2012 - 8:30 P.M.
With Guillaume tied up in vacations and visitors, we welcome back old friend Greg Leahy, not only as a familiar voice but also as pinch podcast editor in our time of need! Our special guest kicks off New Business with the surprisingly expansive Wario Land II (coming eventually to 3DS Virtual Console worldwide), several different flavors of video pinball, and the bizarre circumstances of his PSP acquisition and the masochistic game he found for it. Jon follows up with his own PSP entry, this one the acclaimed Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, a game about tying balloons to soldiers so they float away to become your servants. Jonny brings his 16-bit RPG love to Penny Arcade's On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 3, with a mild warning for casual fans of the web comic. He also checks out the psychadelic DYAD for PlayStation Network and an odd interactive story (game?) called Dear Esther. James is last but not least with an update for Tales of the Abyss, plus his recent Steam purchases including Frozen Synapse and Star Wars: Republic Commando.

We lost James to a power outage during the break, but he found enough potatoes to jump the breaker box and get back onto the show partially into the second segment. The rest of us press on with your fantastic letters about 3DS police report strategies, expectations for widespread digital releases after NSMB2, and the pros/cons of the Steam Sale model for Nintendo's own platforms.
Episode 300 wird sich wohl um Wii drehen, man darf gespannt sein!
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Registriert: 31.07.2012 15:51
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von Pandareus »

Don't worry, it's a fair criticism! And yes, it's really me, I was bored today and googled myself to see what people thought, haha. I'm aware that Greg left some huge shoes to fill and I loved him on the podcast too. I will never replace him, but I'm taking this very seriously and doing my best to not bring the podcast's quality down. Thanks for still listening!
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Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

I see. It's never a good idea to try to fill someone elses shoes. Better start crafting ones own shoes. And as far as I can tell, after a few episodes you started crafting them already.
btw: great job @ radio trivia last week, there were some questions I wouldn't have been able to answer. But when the David Wise question came up, I was really upset that noone could answer it :7. I even shouted towards the screen, but you guys didn't listen.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
Beiträge: 23068
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 300: SPARTAAA!!!
August 5, 2012 - 9:08 P.M.
It's time for another one of those special episodes, as we celebrate six years and 300 numbered entries (plus many more one-offs and live events) of Radio Free Nintendo. This year, we decided to mark the occasion by doing what we do best -- talking about Nintendo! A lot. Probably way too much. This episode is all about Wii. In fact, we probably set a world record for the longest any group of friends has talked about Wii in a semi-serious manner.

This incredibly long episode is broken into a few segments for easier digestion. The first couple feature your friendly neighborhood RFN crew --Jon, James, Gui, and Jonny-- covering the Wii from its debut as Revolution at E3 2005, right up to the present day. It's a lot like the DS feature we did for #200, except even more ridiculous and long-winded. Later, we go through the whole saga again from the start, but this time with a series of special guests discussing the beginning, middle, and end of the Wii story in a small group format. You'll hear insider tales and fond personal memories from RFN favorites such as Billy Berghammer, Craig Harris, Michael "TYP" Cole, Karl Castaneda, co-founder Mike Sklens and, of course, our escaped editing slave, Greg Leahy. If you make it through this entire, monstrous podcast and still want more Wii coverage... try the previous 299 episodes! They're pretty good. Except for 103.

We'll get back to normal next week with Listener Mail, so send in yours today! RetroActive is also coming very soon, so hit up that forum thread if you're playing Wario Land 4. And finally, thanks so much to everyone who listens, corresponds, comes to our live panels, promotes the telethon, viral markets on GAF, etc. We love y'all.
das ganze dauert ca 5 stunden! was fürn monster.
btw episode 200 is auch sehr empfehlenswert, und 103 ebenso :P
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
Beiträge: 23068
Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 301: Mechanical Sphincters
August 12, 2012 - 7:02 P.M.
This week's show is quite simple, as we recover from 300 by serving up a beefy serving of New Business. Guillaume knocks out the first half all by himself, as our editor hadn't reported on his gaming exploits in a few weeks. During that time, he hosted a big group of Negative World buddies in Montreal, basically for the purpose of playing games together. So you'll hear his party game anecdotes for Disaster: Day of Crisis (it's basically The Room or Troll 2 of video games), Wario Ware: Mega Party Game$, the homebrew hit Super Mario War, Fortune Street, Big Brain Academy, and the connectivity duo of Pac-Man vs. and Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

The rest of us haven't been nearly as active, but we still scrounge up a good set of games to discuss. Jon has a fun Sony sampler with R-Types, R-Type: Delta, and the brand new Sound Shapes. Jonny wraps up Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode 3 and also gushes over Deus Ex: Human Revolution. James brings us back around to Nintendo territory with his final updates on Tales of the Abyss and Pandora's Tower.
ich wünschte mc wär nicht down damit ich es hören könnte...
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012
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Registriert: 26.08.2008 16:05
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von caedez »

Episode 302 oder 203 backwards: The Pack-In Police
August 19, 2012 - Who:Cares P.M.
Jon is out this week due to a late work day, and we pushed off RetroActive again (it's definitely happening on 303 now). But there's still plenty to talk about on this show, as we return to a typical length packed with New Business, Listener Mail, and a sizable feature discussion.

James kicks it off with a string of game demo impressions. He enjoys Hybrid on XBLA (a shooter from the guys who made... Scribblenauts?), hates the net code in Heroes of Ruin [Demo], disses the tutorial-heavy demo for Dust: An Elysian Tale, and urges you to discover Miyamoto's forgotten gem, Mole Mania, now on 3DS Virtual Console. Guillaume brings a 2D platforming duo with the impressive homebrew level pack called Another New Super Mario Bros. Wii and the far less notable TOSE joint, The Legendary Starfy. Jonny continues that theme with his own take on Sound Shapes (PSN), a game Nintendo should have made themselves, and the WiiWare sequel/reboot Excitebike World Rally, which Nintendo probably should have left in pieces under the tea table.

We intended this to be just a quick preview, but our mini-feature discussion on the Wii U launch went much deeper than expected, and that's a good thing. We go through the date, price, pack-ins, software, retail supply, and media attention with expert predictions at every turn. Nintendo should be announcing the real details very soon, so listen now and see how close we called it! Finally, we tackled a bit of Listener Mail this week, with questions on which WiiWare games should follow ThruSpace and Fluidity on the path to eShop, plus our recommendations for a Nintendo gamer who just picked up a PlayStation 3 and PSP. Please send in your own questions and ideas so we can address them on a future show!

Next week, we'll FINALLY be talking about Wario Land 4 in the oft-delayed RetroActive #23 feature. Listener comments on the game will be pulled from this official forum thread, so drop off your thoughts and maybe they'll be read on the podcast! Also, we hope you'll check out the second episode of Nintendo Free Radio, made by some of our favorite community members. You can also hear what Jonny, Karl, Obi, and Stan have been seeing at the movies over on Box Office Poison.
Beiträge: 23068
Registriert: 24.06.2006 08:23
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Re: Radio Free Nintendo-ein Podcast bei dem Handhelds existi

Beitrag von E-G »

Episode 303: Livin' Extra Large
August 26, 2012 - 2:21 P.M.
This episode features the return of our favorite guest, Michael "TYP" Cole, the perfect substitute on a Mario/Wario-heavy episode. (Jon had a family emergency -- we hope all is well and that he'll be be back soon!) New Business brings the excitement of major new product launches from Nintendo, as both Guillaume and Jonny picked up the 3DS XL and New Super Mario Bros 2. Gui also provides his recommendation for Retro/Grade, the odd rhythm-shmup on PSN. Jonny explains the very happy conclusion of his lost 3DS saga, and also tries to redeem Dust: An Elysian Tale from last week's slam. James uses his Layton-esque skills to track down a copy of Sega's Rhythm Thief, which he loves, causing us to wonder if the eShop can give a second life to such retail-limited games. Finally, a very patient TYP caps off the segment with his own, extremely positive thoughts on Mole Mania, plus a more measured look at Rayman Origins from last fall.

Next up is the long-awaited RetroActive #23 for Wario Land 4. One of the best things about this serial feature is that we all get to play and discuss the same game, together. This time, it happens to be a weird, flawed, and ultimately very interesting 2D platformer that divided both the RFN crew and our listeners who've been playing along at home. It's exactly the kind of game we love for digging deep on these segments, and we hope to get back to RetroActive quite soon for another game to challenge our expectations. Special thanks to TYP for bringing his franchise expertise, as well as all the listeners who participated by leaving their comments in the forum thread -- which will remain open for any latecomers who want to continue the discussion.
den teil mit der "lost 3ds saga" fand ich besonders interessant, vor allem zu erfahren wie das eigentlich abläuft wenn man sein gerät mal tatsächlich verliert, oder wie es ablaufen kann.
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Die LAST GEN begann für PSWii60 am 18.11.2012