Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

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Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Der Stachel sitzt tief: Der noch während der Entstehung von Balan Wonderworld gechasste Yuji Naka schießt indirekt gegen Co-Entwickler Oshima – indem er ihn aus einem 26 Jahre alten Foto löscht.Im Verlauf der Entwicklung des Jump'n'Runs Balan Wonderworld, das bei uns im Test mittelmäßig abschnitt, kam es offenbar zum Zerwürfnis zweier alter Weggefährten: Yuji Naka und Naoto Oshima. Beide ha...

Hier geht es zur News Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt
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Registriert: 31.01.2007 14:44
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von LeKwas »

Naka ist in der Industrie schon seit Jahrzehnten für seine Zickigkeit und Diva-Mentalität berüchtigt.

So äußerte es sich etwa über den Sonic-Miterfinder Hirokazu Yasuhara:
Yuji Naka: Yeah, one of the guys from our team went to work on Jak and Daxter! As for the original titles, I was involved from the beginning, the creation of the game. The character was born in a kind of stream of creating, so I'm involved from the very beginning of the character. I gave the game direction, and I was the main programmer also.

So I was involved with every aspect of the original Sonics. Some of the details, like making a map, quite straight-forward stuff, was done by the guy who's working on Jak and Daxter right now. He was involved until Sonic 3, and after that for eight years he didn't do anything in Sega, so he was quite useless in Sega. We really didn't need him. He was really doing nothing with Sonic.
http://info.sonicretro.org/Yuji_Naka_in ... _27,_2003)

Peter Moore mag ihn auch nicht. :Blauesauge:
When Moore brought a video of the focus group to present to his Japanese colleagues, they refused to believe the validity of what the American consumers had been saying. That's when things got especially rough with Sonic creator Yuji Naka.

"I said, 'We need to be incredibly aware of the challenges we face as a brand at Sega,' you know, and so I play the video. Yuji Naka, Naka-san, maker of Sonic, is in the room. Now, he and I have a love/hate relationship on a good day. And we show him this, and it's subtitled in Japanese, and when it comes to that piece he just [slams his hand on the table], 'This is ridiculous. You have made them say this. Sega is the great brand, nobody would ever say this, you have falsified!' He just gets in my face. So I said to the translator, 'Tell him to fuck off.' And the poor guy looks at me and says, 'There's no expression in Japanese.' I said, 'I know there is.' And that was it. That was the last time I ever set foot in there," Moore explains.
https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ ... to-f-k-off

Er sah die Entwicler bei Sega of America als Rivalen an, und wollte nicht zulassen, dass diese seine Engine aus Nights für ein 3D-Sonic-Spiel benutzen. Das Projekt musste deshalb eingestellt werden:
“So, you know, they shipped us a NiGHTS editor, a level-based editor and our designers were familiarising themselves with that… and after about two weeks, Yuji Naka (who was the designer of NiGHTS, and one of the original Sonic Team), had [heard about it and] said, ‘No’.

“There was a big rivalry between SEGA Japan and SEGA America, and Yuji Naka hated SOA. So he went [to the Head of SOJ at the time] and said ‘Look, I don’t want these guys to have the NiGHTS engine. I do not want them to have the NiGHTS technology. If you give it to them, I quit.’ So [they went] to Bernie Stolar and said, ‘I’m not giving you anything. You’re gonna have to do without it.’ So… Bernie had to come to us and say, ‘Sorry guys, you’re gonna have to do it without the NiGHTS Technology.'”
https://www.sonicstadium.org/2002/06/so ... me-engine/

Es war ein Launchtitel für die Dreamcast in Entwicklung, mit einer damals vielversprechenden 3D-Engine, aber ...
Naka came to visit with his team to tour our studio [and] look at our tools and engine; we had a lot of proprietary [and] really phenomenal tech – I would say still to this day, [we had] some stuff that I haven't seen replicated quite at the level we had. [Naka] didn't realize that the people on my team, a lot of them spoke fluent Japanese, including my lead engineer. [Naka] started speaking in Japanese assuming that no one would understand; [he] started talking about what parts of our tech they were going take for Sonic and then basically said as soon as they ship, fire everyone but one of the engineers who knows their system and roll him onto our team for Sonic – and my team heard all that, so you can imagine how they felt. Naka was pretty powerful at Sega at that time.

So I had a group of five engineers that now knew what was potentially happening to their baby. They were, outside of [NFL2K and NBA2K studio] Visual Concepts, the only people in North America working on a 128-bit gaming console, [so it was] pretty easy to go get another job – so they did. I had to go to Bernie [and tell him] I just lost my five lead engineers and I've got a proprietary engine; even if I hire, I've got healthy burn rate... we were expensive title for that time... it was a lot of money [and] it was impossible to justify. It would have taken me two months to hire, another two months to ramp up... so [I've got] four months of burn rate where pretty much nothing's happening.
https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/ ... a-producer

Mit dem möchte wahrscheinlich so gut wie niemand mehr jemals wieder zusammenarbeiten.
Zuletzt geändert von LeKwas am 06.07.2022 13:28, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von Todesglubsch »

LeKwas hat geschrieben: 06.07.2022 13:27 Mit dem möchte wahrscheinlich so gut wie niemand mehr jemals wieder zusammenarbeiten.
Ich glaube so, wie Balan Wonderworld eingeschlagen ist, wird vermutlich eh niemand mehr mit ihm zusammenarbeiten *dürfen*.

Aber er hat sich ja angeblich eh aus der Branche zurückgezogen.
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von NotSo_Sunny »

LeKwas hat geschrieben: 06.07.2022 13:27
Peter Moore mag ihn auch nicht. :Blauesauge:
"I said, 'We need to be incredibly aware of the challenges we face as a brand at Sega,' you know, and so I play the video. Yuji Naka, Naka-san, maker of Sonic, is in the room. Now, he and I have a love/hate relationship on a good day. And we show him this, and it's subtitled in Japanese, and when it comes to that piece he just [slams his hand on the table], 'This is ridiculous. You have made them say this. Sega is the great brand, nobody would ever say this, you have falsified!' He just gets in my face. So I said to the translator, 'Tell him to fuck off.' And the poor guy looks at me and says, 'There's no expression in Japanese.' I said, 'I know there is.' And that was it. That was the last time I ever set foot in there," Moore explains.
https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/ ... to-f-k-off
Zu geil der Artikel - Danke :lol:

Ich glaube es gibt nicht wenige die dem Übersetzer abgekauft hätten, dass es im Japanischen keinen Ausdruck für „fuck off“ gibt - so höflich wie die dem Ruf nach sind.^^

Aber vor allem die Zitate der Fokusgruppe sind zu herrlich.
And so we asked the focus group, a bunch of 18-, 19-year-olds, a classic question, 'If a video game publisher was a relative or a friend, who would they be?' Ah, EA. Arrogant quarterback, 6'5", walks in, gets the girl, nobody likes him, blah blah blah, but, you know, fills the room with his big personality, all that. I can hear it now.

"Rockstar. Ah - that's your drunken uncle that shows up from Vegas once a month with a hooker on his arm and looking for money and then he's gone again. He comes in and he's the life of the party for a little while, and then he disappears for a long time. Sega.Yeah, that's your grandad. Used to be cool, but even he can't remember why anymore."
Zuletzt geändert von NotSo_Sunny am 06.07.2022 16:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von nawarI »

Im ersten Moment hab ich gedacht die Pappaufsteller seien reingephotoshopped und würden den Kollegen verdecken, denn der schwarze Fleck fällt garnicht so sehr auf.
Er hätte einfach einen dritten Pappaufsteller über seinen Kollegen photoshoppen sollen, aber der schwarze Fleck ist auch lustig
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von LeKwas »

Zuletzt geändert von LeKwas am 07.07.2022 19:16, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von LeKwas »

Btw falls es jemand nicht mitbekommen haben sollte, Yuji hat derzeit Stress mit der Polizei. Er hat sein Insiderwissen bei Square Enix über das anno dazumal noch unveröffentlichte Dragon Quest Tact genutzt, um am Aktienmarkt abzusahnen, wurde Mitte November verhaftet und kam auf Kaution frei, und heute wurde er ein zweites mal verhaftet, weil er dieselbe Masche nochmal mit FF7 The First Soldier abgezogen hatte, wie kürzlich rauskam.

https://www.eurogamer.de/bericht-sonic- ... orgeworfen
Ein paar weitere Mitarbeiter von Square waren auch involviert.
Zuletzt geändert von LeKwas am 07.12.2022 14:15, insgesamt 6-mal geändert.
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von johndoe711686 »

Was ist denn "The First Soldier"?
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von LeKwas »

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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von johndoe711686 »

Ich bin ja n ziemlicher FF7 Fan, aber davon hab ich noch nie gehört. Offenbar auch kein Verlust, danke. :D
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von LeKwas »

Former Sonic Team leader and Balan Wonderworld director Yuji Naka could be facing two and a half years in prison for insider trading relating to his time at publisher Square Enix, according to a new Japanese report this morning.

The co-creator of Sonic the Hedgehog concluded his third trial on the matter today, according to Denfaminicogamer.jp, with prosecuting lawyers demanding that Naka serve the jail time, alongside two additional fines of ¥2.5 million and ¥170 million.

A full sentencing has not yet been made, and Naka's defence team is seeking to reduce the fines levied against him, as well as a suspension of the sentence (whether this means a delayed start to the sentence or a full-blown cancellation remains to be seen). A final decision is expected in the courts on July 7th.
https://board.sonicstadium.org/news/seg ... ng-u-r976/

Mal schauen, was im Juli dann rauskommt.
Zuletzt geändert von LeKwas am 03.06.2023 01:20, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von Kajetan »

Da ist ja Phil Fish ein wohlerzogener Chorknabe dagegen ...
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Re: Yuji Naka tritt nach: Ex-Kollege aus Foto getilgt

Beitrag von LeKwas »

Das Urteil wurd heute verkündet. Einer Gefängnisstrafe konnte Yuji wohl noch entgehen, aber er muss 172 Millionen Yen (= 1,1 Mio. €) Strafe zahlen.
https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/soni ... go-to-jail
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