Spammtisch! Viel Spaß!
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure
- Battle Snake
- Beiträge: 7492
- Registriert: 04.03.2006 12:15
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- MotW1337/Gargoul
- Beiträge: 1693
- Registriert: 21.09.2006 17:56
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- MotW1337/Gargoul
- Beiträge: 1693
- Registriert: 21.09.2006 17:56
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- Sdan-theChosenOne
- Beiträge: 2254
- Registriert: 20.08.2006 14:20
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- Patenonkel_Lars
- Beiträge: 3241
- Registriert: 24.05.2006 17:26
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in meinem internationalen rammstein fanclub fand eine lustige discussion statt, die ich mit euch teilen möchte. die diskussion hiess rammstein´s outfits.
Rammstein´s Outfits hat geschrieben: Boy1 (6 days ago)
Dey R off da hook
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Girl 1 (6 days ago)
omg, till is majorly hot! he is seriously the most beautiful man alive!!!
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Girl 2 (5 days ago)
I disagree, Till has a very charming appearance but Richard is deffinatly the hottest!! He could melt me just by saying "Du hast mich" to me! YUM!!!
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Girl 3 (5 days ago)
I lIkE tHiS DiScUsSIoN... well well, in few words, so many people wanna f&%k Kruspe, me incluided, he's the sex bomb. But Schnider got that "something", you know, he's gorgeous, so tall,so elegant. But Flake is the perfect party man, I wanna get drunk with him. And Riedel seems to be tha perfect guy to spend the lifetime... hard to decide
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Girl 4 (5 days ago)
well i think that richard can have any woman he likes, but till is a vey reserved man ,richard is like an elegant and flirty dude, and flake....well...he is flake lol
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Girl 1 (5 days ago)
lol, i've never investigated the other rammstein dudes throroughy, but to me richard is a pretty boy. Till...he's got that voice, that alpha-male quality about him...very masculine and seductive. in addition, he's got the body and looks...i just don't like him with a mohawk.
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Girl 5 (3 days ago)
You've described Till *so* well! <3
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Girl 1 (3 days ago) u know what, i was watching the news today, and saw Al Gore. if u squint ur eyes, and tilt ur head on a 45* angle, he kinda looks like Till.
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Boy 2 (3 days ago)
Am I the only guy here? I think Richard is an awesome guitarist (the speed on some of the solos) and I reckon he's the man, in a totally non-gay way. But I also agree Till has that leader quality about him
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Boy 3 (49 minutes ago)
Haha its turned into a discussion on who's the prettiest. I just want a flamethrower mask.
Zuletzt geändert von Patenonkel_Lars am 22.11.2006 18:43, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
- Battle Snake
- Beiträge: 7492
- Registriert: 04.03.2006 12:15
- Persönliche Nachricht:
- Sdan-theChosenOne
- Beiträge: 2254
- Registriert: 20.08.2006 14:20
- Persönliche Nachricht:
- Battle Snake
- Beiträge: 7492
- Registriert: 04.03.2006 12:15
- Persönliche Nachricht:
- Sdan-theChosenOne
- Beiträge: 2254
- Registriert: 20.08.2006 14:20
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