Dawn of War + Company of Heroes Mods

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Registriert: 02.02.2008 23:52
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God Of Flame
Beiträge: 5310
Registriert: 19.11.2008 13:25
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Battleground Europe is a historical accuracy mod that also aims to bring improved balance and playability to Company of Heroes and its expansions.

First a bit of back story. After a couple of years spending time as a personal project on my rig, I've been pestered by a number of friends who have said that it's about time I made this homebrew mod public...and it's certainly taken long enough to put together! First and foremost, this is a realism / historical accuracy mod. Squad sizes and composition, unit caps, weapon rates of fire and armour piercing values are all derived from a good deal of research. However, I haven't forgotten the fun factor that's necessary in making a game enjoyable

In case anyone's interested, the original thread for the mod can be found here.

Currently the team is pretty much me. However, if anyone would like to lend a hand with regard to coding or working on visual assets, feel free to contact me.

And now, on with the changelist!


- All "lock-down" vehicle abilities removed.
- All regular infantry and combat engineers can construct trenches.
- Adjusted build time of all MG nests to 60 seconds and cost to 200 MP and 50 munitions.
- AT Gun teams now have a movement speed of 2.5.
- Direct fire weapons now suffer a 50% accuracy penalty when firing at infantry in trenches.
- Direct fire weapons now suffer a 75% accuracy penalty when firing at trenches.
- Heavy tanks no longer have heavy_crush, meaning tank traps can only be cleared by demolitions or tanks with dozer blades.
- Infantry_Soldier armour type no longer used.
- Personnel Carriers are now impervious to small arms fire (rifles, smgs, pistols and mgs) except where noted.
- Regular infantry may now sprint for a short period of time. This does not extend to weapon teams or combat engineers due to the amount of gear they carry.
- Sped up flight time of rifle grenades and enlarged AoE.
- Standardized rifles, MG's and SMG's to have a 50% accuracy penalty against moving infantry.
- Standardized rifle and machine gun ranges to 60.
- Standardized rifle and machine gun damage to 8.
- Standardized tank and AT gun ranges to 100 (except where noted).
- Standardized infantry to 75 HP except where noted.
- Standardized SMG and Flamethrower range to 40.
- Tanks now take up 5 pop except where noted.
- Troops take up 1 pop per squad member except where noted.


- 76mm gunned M4 Shermans are now a seperate, buildable unit.
- Added M16 Machine Gun Motor Carriage, an M3 Half-Track with a quad .50 Cal mounting already in place.
- Airborne Rifle Squad is now comprised of a Sergeant with a Thompson SMG, a BAR gunner, a Bazooka gunner, 3 riflemen with M1 Carbines and 6 riflemen with M1 Garands. 3 Rangers can exchange their rifles for Thompson SMG’s and one can get a recoilless rifle. The squad may also use satchel charges. 6 squads max are allowed.
- Adjusted HP of Sherman tanks and ALL variants to 500 and speed adjusted to 4.5.
- Bazookas now do 100 damage to ALL vehicles and have a range of 60.
- Bombing Run cost adjusted to 150 Munitions.
- M10 now gains AP rounds ability. Increases damage done by main gun by 41% for 15 seconds. HP adjusted to 550 and speed adjusted to 4.5. Cost adjusted to 350 MP and 60 Fuel.
- M4 Sherman cost adjusted to 350 MP and 60 Fuel.
- M8 Greyhounds now start off with fenders.
- Machine Gun nests changed so that they match those used by other races...manned by an appropriate MG team of course.
- Ranger Assault Section is now comprised of a Sergeant with a Thompson SMG, a BAR gunner, a Bazooka gunner and 7 Rangers with rifles. 3 Rangers can exchange their rifles for Thompson SMG’s. The squad is no longer a call-in but is requisitioned from the Barracks.
- Removed Suppressing Fire ability from BAR'ed Rifle squads.
- Rifle Squads are now comprised of 1 Sergeant with a Thompson SMG, an NCO with an M1 Carbine, 1 BAR gunner and 9 riflemen. One rifleman may exchange his M1 Garand for a Bazooka for 75 Munitions.
- Sticky Bombs now gain "tread breaker" ability.
- Strafing Run cost adjusted to 125 Munitions. The ability now calls in two Thunderbolts instead of one.
- Tuned all .30 Cal guns to do 8 damage with an ROF of 8.3.
- Tuned BAR's to do 8 damage with an ROF of 8.3. Burst length of 4-5 seconds and 4 second reload time.

British / Commonwealth

- 25 Pounder Artillery emplacements can now target area and change their facing. Damage adjusted to 85 and ROF adjusted to 6 seconds.
- Added PIAT team comprised of 2 men - one with a PIAT and another with a rifle. Intended for use with Universal Carriers.
- Added QF 6 Pounder AT gun squad.
- Added 17 Pounder SP Achilles (Royal Canadian Artillery Doctrine only).
- Added Hawker Typhoon strafing run. Unleashes 8 HE rockets along its attack path.
- Adjusted build time of MG nests to 60 seconds and cost to 200 MP.
- Adjusted ROF of Vickers MG's to 9 and damage to 8.
- All Churchill tanks and variants now have 1150 HP. Speed adjusted to 3.5. Normal Churchill gains AP rounds ability.
- All Cromwell tanks and variants now have 550 HP. Speed adjusted to 5. Normal Cromwell gains AP rounds ability.
- Bofors 40mm AA gun emplacement cost adjusted to 400 MP and 40 Munitions.
- Button Up ability removed.
- Churchill AVRE fixed so that its hull-mounted Besa machine gun actually works. Attack move command now works. Petard spigot mortar range increased to 100 and rate of fire lowered to 15 seconds.
- Command trucks no longer require Officers - costs adjusted to match comparable Allied structures.
- Commando squad (now Air Landing Rifle Section) is now comprised of a Sergeant with a Sten gun, a Corporal with a Bren Gunner, and 5 riflemen. 2 riflemen can be upgraded with rifle grenades. I'm going to see about having the Horsa glider unload two 7 man Rifle Sections and a 5 man Rifle Section - the smaller squad will have 2 snipers. I'm also gong to see about adding in a 6 Pounder airdrop (by Horsa of course).
- M7 Priest tuned so than it can target area to fire and uses 6 pop. Vehicle speed adjusted to 4.5 and HP adjusted to 300.
- Officers (Lt. and Captain) no longer cost Fuel.
- PIAT'S now do 100 damage to ALL vehicles and have a range of 60. Also, the flight trajectory for the round has been flattened considerably: You can no longer lob PIAT rounds.
- QF 17 Pounder emplacement cost adjusted to 500 MP and 80 Munitions.
- Rifle (Tommy) Squads now comprised of a Corporal with a Sten gun, a Bren gunner, and 8 riflemen. 2 riflemen may be upgraded to use rifle grenades OR 1 rifleman may exchange his weapon for a PIAT.
- Sappers are now the default builder unit for Commonwealth. The squad is comprised of a Corporal with a Sten gun and 3 Sappers with rifles.
- Sherman VC Firefly speed adjusted to 4.5 and fuel cost reduced to 60 Fuel. Vehicle gains AP round ability identical to QF 17 Pounder's.
- "Tommy" squads now move at the same rate as infantry from other races.
- Tuned all Bren guns to do 8 damage with an ROF of 8.3.
- Universal Carrier cost adjusted to 150 MP and 10 Fuel. HP adjusted to 80 and speed adjusted to 5. Transport capacity reduced to 4 troops when not upgraded to a Bren Gun Carrier.

Panzer Elite

- Added a Tank Destroyer Troop comprised of 6 Grenadiers - 3 of the Grenadiers are equipped with Panzershreks while the rest have MP40's. The squad can employ regular stick grenades, bundled charges and Panzerfausts. The squad requires the Tank Destroyer Doctrine.
- Added a Heavy MG Section call in. An HMG Section is composed of 2 HMG squads mounted in an SdKfz 251 and each squad is composed of 4 Grenadiers with an MG42 on an HMG mount. A maximum of 2 HMG sections is allowed.
- Added command variants of Panzer IV and Panther tanks. These vehicles can call in pairs of tanks and provide bonuses to friendly vehicles.
- Panzergrenadier squad changed to Panzergrenadier Halbgruppe (half squad), each comprised of an NCO with an MP40, an MG42 gunner, and three riflemen. Each Halbgruppe can employ regular stick grenades or bundled grenades and Panzerfausts. Can be upgraded with a single scoped G43 Rifle and a Panzershrek.
- Added Panzergrenadier Rifle Squad. The squad is comprised of an SdKfz 251 Halftrack with two Halbgruppe of 4 Panzergrenadiers each. Each Halbgruppe has a leader with an StG44 and the Fire Up ability to break suppression.
- Added Panzergrenadier Assault Squad. The squad is comprised of an SdKfz 251 Halftrack with two Halbgruppe of Assault Grenadiers. Each Halbgruppe has a leader with an StG44 and the Fire Up ability to break suppression, and 3 Panzergrenadiers with MP40's.
- Barbed Wire and Tank Traps are available to all doctrines.
- Fallschimjager squads are now comprised of an Sergeant with an MP40, an NCO with an MP40, 2 MG 42 gunners, a sniper with a scoped G43 rifle, and 5 riflemen with Kar98k’s. One rifleman may exchange his Kar98k for an FG42. The squad also benefits from the “Fire Up” ability. Eventually I’d like to work in a rifle grenade upgrade so that 2 squad members can upgrade to use grenade launchers.
- Fallschimjager Tank Destroyer Troop added. Comprised of a 4 man team armed with 2 Panzershreks and 2 MP40's.
- Flakpanzer Wirbelwind HP adjusted to 500 HP. Speed and armour type tuned to match Panzer IV.
- Hummel Off-Map call in ability has been pulled. In its place is an Off-Map artillery barrage ability that represents a battery of 3 Hummels firing on a designated position and costs 300 munitions per use (trust me...it's worth it)
- Incendiary grenades changed to normal grenades.
- Jagdpanthers now have HP, armour, and movement performance identical to regular Panthers. A max of 3 vehicles is allowed.
- Jadgpanzer Hetzer HP adjusted to 600 and speed adjusted to 5. Armour type adjusted so that enemy AT / Tank guns do 75% of maximum damage with frontal hits. Rear hits do 5x penetration.
- Luftwaffe ground troops can now build emplaced FlaK guns as well as normal ones.
- Marder III HP adjusted to 150. Speed adjusted to 4.25. Added AP rounds ability.
- MG Nests can now be built by the player. A maximum of 4 are allowed.
- Panther Battle Group call in changed to Panther Gruppe and moved to Panther Command tank.
- Panzerfausts and Panzershreks now do 200 damage to ALL vehicles.
- Only Pioneer squads may disable and boobytrap resource points and VP’s. All troops may boobytrap buildings though.
- Pioneer Squads are now the default builder unit for PE.
- Reduced the transport capacity of the SdKfz 250 Halftrack to 4 soldiers.
- Sector Artillery ability has been tweaked so that the frequency of artillery strikes while enemy troops are present has been raised.
- SdKfz 22x Armoured Car HP adjusted to 80.
- SdKfz 250/3 “Vampir” HT now has a crewed MG42. In addition, the vehicle can call in half-tracks with squads.
- SdKfz 250/9 Halftracked Armoured Car added. Although it has the same weapons loadout as the SdKfz 222 Armoured Car and is slightly slower, it has better cross country mobility.
- SdKfz 251 Halftrack now available as a buildable vehicle.
- SdKfz 251 Halftrack HP adjusted to 150 and can only hold 8 troops.
- SdKfz 251/1 mitt Wurframen 40 now available as a buildable vehicle for 220 MP, 150 Munitions and 20 Fuel. The vehicle uses 7 pop. Requires Scorched Earth Doctrine. Barrage ability tweaked to have a 5 minute cooldown, heavy damage, wide scatter area and such.
- SdKfz 251/16 Flammpanzerwagen now available as a buildable vehicle for 220 MP and 100 Fuel. The vehicle uses 5 pop. Requires Scorched Earth Doctrine.


- 280mm Rocket Barrage ability adjusted to have a 5 minute cooldown. Also adjusted so that a salvo of 18 rockets hit over a wide area with 2-3 seconds between each hit.
- Added a Tank Destroyer Troop comprised of 6 Grenadiers - 3 of the Grenadiers are equipped with Panzershreks while the rest have MP40's. The squad can employ regular stick grenades, bundled charges and Panzerfausts.
- All tanks and AT guns now gain AP rounds ability. Increases damage done by main gun for 15 seconds.
- Bunkers are available to Defensive Doctrine players only.
- Grenadier Rifle Squads are now comprised of 1 Sergeant with an StG44, an NCO with an MP40, a Grenadier with an lMG42 and 6 Grenadiers with Kar98k Rifles. Shreks have been pulled from the squad, but the squad CAN use Panzerfausts, unlockable upon building the Kampkraft Center. Eventually the squad will benefit from rifle grenades provided a suitable model ever surfaces.
- HMG squads are now comprised of an NCO with an MP40, a Gunner with an HMG 42 and 4 Grenadiers with rifles.
- Mortar teams are now comprised of 3 Gunners with a Mortar and 2 Grenadiers with rifles.
- Panzerfausts and Panzershreks now do 200 damage to ALL vehicles with a range of 60.
- King Tiger now has a new armour type that makes its frontal armour impregnable to all but the most powerful weapons. Can pop smoke to obscure its own movements. Cost is 1500 MP and 150 Fuel at 5 pop - but you can only get one as before.
- Nebelwerfer hit fx changed to use artillery blasts. Nebelwerfer barrages should be a lot more satisfying to watch now. Barrage ability cool down time adjusted to 100 seconds.
- Observed Fire changed to 120mm Mortar Barrage. A salvo of 12 120mm mortar rounds will drop on a designated area for a cost of 120 munitions.
- Pioneer squads are now comprised of an NCO with an MP40 and 3 Pioneers with rifles. The squad can employ stick grenades and demolition charges. I might also give them satchel charges...
- Registered Artillery hit fx changed to use artillery blasts. Time between strikes increased a bit and cost reduced to 105 munitions.
- Removed Knight's Cross Holders, Volksgrenadiers, Pumas, Panzer IV's, Panthers and Ostwinds.
- Stormtrooper call-in changed to Panzergrenader Squad. The ability now calls in a single Panzergrenadier Rifle Squad (see PE notes).
- StuG IV's and StuH42's now take up 4 pop. Can add an MG42 gunner for 75 munitions.
- StuH 42 added to Panzer Command.
- Tiger call-in now calls in 2 Tiger I’s for 2400 MP, 300 Fuel and 10 Pop. You are limited to a max of 2 Tigers.
- Urban Assault Squad (for now) calls in 2 StuG IV’s. If a model for a Sturmpanzer IV is ever released, it will take the place of the StuG's.

Known Bugs and issues:

- Some aspects of SP have not been touched yet and may not work. You have been warned.
- Operations may or may not work. I've been primarily concerned with normal MP and SP gameplay and seeing as it's just me working on this...
- Tooltips and icons are far from complete - but work well enough for now.

Download Link: HERE

Battleground mod,realistisch aber nicht übertrieben(Text habe ich grade nur kopiert,keinen Bock alles zzu übersetzen)