Patch 1.02 für <STRONG>Rise of Prussia</STRONG>
All saved games will be erased by the patch, as this version is not compatible with previously started games.
* Fixed bug where selection of the last choice in Multi-Choice Event would not allow player to change the selection
* Seige parameters adjusted and new rules and parameters added:
If there is a supply unit or a depot with at least some remaining supplies, then there is a 95% chance that any surrender event is aborted. If there is not such unit or structure, or the chance roll fails, then a surrender event can happen (others possible events are: make a breach or nothing). In the case that besieged units are under siege by a larger force, have some units unsupplied and a breach is already existing, then the surrender event has an increased chance to happen, because it is based on the discipline of the besieged units and such units will get a -3 modifier to the roll.
* Unit detail display for Construction Mode enabled
* Fixed various 'retreat bugs' as discussed in AGEOD forum
* Added check in Ferdinand to Brunswick event to be sure he is still only a 2* [and still alive!!]
* Modified all Multi-Choice events to have 'default selection' in case player doesn't choose an option
* Saxony Capitulation event [1756] now only eliminates Saxon forces still in the Saxony Theater. 'Escaped' leaders and units survive.
* Swedish Reinforcement Options - added small Brigades 1&2 and Support 1 to setups 1759 and 1760 as appropriate. Restricted "ON" dates for these options to prevent duplicates.
* Danzig: Multi-choice Event. Danzig [Gdansk] POL now, but was more or less an independent autonomous city. Russian and Austrian tried to woo the city to join their side, when their situation was not so good, but Prussian money prevented this. If AUS successful, they take over the city + large amount of supplies + depot there (to be under RUS subfaction). If PRU successful, Gdansk remains Polish and neutral. {PRU has priority: if they spend the money, it really doesn't matter what AUS chooses}
* Fixed duplicate appearances of Kleine Krieg units after 1758
* Fixed Duke of Cumberland arrival to ensure he joins Zastrow of HAN, not Zastrow of PRU
* Fixed duplicate appearance of AUS leader Spada in 1756 Campaign
* In Saxon Capitulation, ensured removal of Rotkowski if he fails to escape Saxony
* Added "Fleet to Winter Quarters" for RUS and SWE blockade fleets for winter of 1761-62
* Added Riverine Supply assets
* Removed duplicate RUS leader Rumyantsev from 1760 Setup
* Corrected starting 1756 Prussian ForcePool to have Regular Depot Bn in addition to Grenadier Depot Bn [typo in DB had Grenadier twice]
* Corrected on-map display of "1 leader/1 regiment" units to show leader properly
* Added Swedish Brigade reinforcements that were still available in options to the setups 1759 and 1760
* Sudden Death enabled in all Scenarios and Campaigns
* Auto-Garrison enabled in all Campaigns and Acenarios
* Corrected Infantry elements of PAL regiments to be PAL, not BRU
* Corrected PRU and SAX Grenadiers Depot Bn to yield Elite replacements
* Added *screener* attribute to most Cavalry models [not heavy cav (cuirassier/gd corps)]
* Added *assaulter* attribute and 'Assaulter' ability [can assault unbreached fortress] = assigned to Ernst von Laudon
* Corrected text tooltips for several options that were not clear that player is buying replacements
* Corrected the Depot Bn for SAX, HRE, BAV and WUR to give Regular Replacements [were giving Elite]
* All leaders movement type changed to allow faster movement when alone
* All Grenadiers are now Elite troops [for replacement purposes]
* Added parameters to Models to enable Generic Leader Promotions
* Army names for Russia 'localized'
* Brigades are now named after the Brigade commander
* Several Leader graphics upgrade [thank you Nikel and PANGI]
* Updated NATO stmbols for Militia
* Adjusted color schemes for various filters
* Several minor string corrections
* German language version corrections and additions
* Reduced Interest in OMB attacks by Prussia
<U>Rise of Prussia Update 1.01g beta only
</U>March, 12th 2010
Retreat: Enemy units in a region will strongly disfavor any retreat there (all the various parameters when choosing a retreat path are numerics weighted against each other).
Retreat : Chances of retreat after the 2nd round of battle has been significantly increased.
Pursuit after battle : Short battles lead to smaller losses in pursuit.
Pursuit after battle : Small forces pursued lead to smaller losses in pursuit.
In sieges, supply wagons has a 80% chance to protect from surrender (was 50%).
Small garrisons will appears when you capture important locations (replacements will be expanded for that).
Minimap recolorized.
The first army leader displayed with the Army outliner was slightly misplaced.
4 new general graphics, courtesy of Nikel.
Events fixes
Bug fixes in the 'More Money' option, 'Saxon Collapse' and 'HRE Contingent'.
Events additions
Economics: Added Economic events to add $ for the Coalition (options):
- Karl von Zinzendorf (AUS Exchequer, got money from loans from local gentry)
- Paris de Montmartel (FRA financer, got loan from Spain before the latter joined the war)
- Jean de Laborde (AUS financer, same as AUS above)
* Added PRU Freikorps leader Carl Guichard (+ improve F.Kleist, currently undervalued)
* Added PRU artillery expert Colonel Von Moller (to arrive embedded with the first Brummers guns)
* Created different militia versions for each major nation in order to have regional recruitment (also need to *add corresponding area-bound abies)
* Improved AUS artillery units (the 12 pdr of Austrian were the best guns, far above others, thanks to general K. Liechstenstein efforts in the 1750s)
* Retreat : ensure 100% success of retreat after second round of battle.
* Pursuit after battle : reduce the damages from pursuit in function of battle duration
* Pursuit after battle : reduce the damages from pursuit in function of retreater size
* cbtTQModifierForAssault (default 80)
* rulMoraleUsedSplProd (default false for RO* true for others)
Setups / Settings
* Sieges: change surrender parameter to 80% instead of 50%
* Add DB changes inside setups and/or events (leaders, units)
* Insert Autogarrison feature in setups
* Techs : Add some Tech event for the Prussians, to upgrade their artillery to a model equivalent to the AUS 12 (they did so after they had captured some AUS guns), may be as an option with some WSU cost
* Economics: Add Economic events to add $ for the Coalition (options). We could at least find 3 historical events for them (may be with pic to be done)
- Karl von Zinzendorf (AUS Exchequer, got money from loans from local gentry)
- Paris de Montmartel (FRA financer, got loan from Spain before the latter joined the war)
- Jean de Laborde (AUS financer, same as AUS above)
* Kaunitz : the AUS PM, very good diplomat& may be some extra random EP
* Berlin ransomed: offer an option to a capturing AUS that Berlin is spared in exchange of lot of $$ (happened historically in October 1758)
* AI options for reinforcements: converted to simple events. Human player only gets these as options
* AI choice events for options in separate file. Prioritized and some checks for rationality added
<U>Rise of Prussia Update 1.01d beta only
</U>March, 9th 2010
Mountain passes now get a visual warning if they will be soon blocked by snow.
Changed Russian depot line in 1758, 1759 and 1760 and adapted supply assets accordingly.
Changed Highlanders replacement type (to Light Infantry)
Thaddeus Kingsley is now William Kingsley
Changed uniforms for Royal Horse Guards
The battle report now displays the actual values of leaders, not the database ones.
Filter #4 now displays Nations in a gradient of colors (i.e Hanover, Hesse, etc.) and no more the loyalty of the population to each coalition (nb: filter #4 is now entirely moddable, see AGE Wiki).
Rise of Prussia Update 1.01 beta only
</U>March, 2nd 2010
Ferdinand to Brunswick MC event fixed.
Russian Fleet Winter Quarters improved.
Apraxin Arrested: general rewrite to achieve design intent
Zweibruken promoted fixed to remove the 'at start' duplicate present with French Army
Russian fleet blockade messages fixed
Winter Quarters added for Swedish fleet near Straslund [events added to Russian Fleet events file]
Events added to show Eastern Prussia as Russian [subfaction commands] once captured.
Events to replace Depot at Memel and Koenigsburg only upon turn of AUS capture. Also some boost to Loyalty once captured to help supply.
Nouvelle France becomes subfaction of GBR upon capture of Quebec event
Corrected tooltips for French and Russian wages events
Corrected Montreal Surrenders event
Elizabeth Dies and subsequent Russian events event sequence in DB reversed to prevent multiple events all occurring same turn.
Treaty of Hamburg event fixed
Added missing Russian force pool
Fixed Würtemberg removal event
AI promotion of 1* leaders
Updated force pools with historical extra units for PRU and AUS in 1759
Updated all scenarios with new events
Historical Options
Brigade purchase options improved.
Russian leader options fixed: were referencing FRA event, so EP spent but no leader appeared
All leader options modified to protect against running out of leaders [EP spent but no leader created]
FRA and RUS leader option messages fixed
Soltikov 2 star leader model had 3 star symbol
Added new unit (Supply Reserve, an immobile fortress supply unit). Updated Models and Units accordingly (+ few fixes)
Fixed wrong mountain passes links and terrains
Replacements pages now support more than 2 pages
Map no longer focus to the previous spot when hosting begins
Interface shows in real time what is spent when building units.
Replay display glitch fixed when choosing a display file.
Dynamic graphics for regions are now supported (see AGEOD modding forum).
EvalWeather command added.
Hier geht es zum Download: Rise of Prussia - Patch 1.02
Rise of Prussia - Patch 1.02
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure