Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Patch 1.43

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Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Patch 1.43

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.43 für die deutsche Box-/DVD-Version von <STRONG>Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga

<U>Hinweis</U></STRONG>:&nbsp;Diese Datei ist ein Download-Programm von den Larian Studios (Entwickler des Spiels). Mit diesem Tool wird der Patch (158 MB)&nbsp;dann&nbsp;automatisch runtergeladen.

<STRONG><U>Patch 1.43
<UL><LI>An autopatcher has been included which will download the latest patch when available</LI><LI>You will automatically, of course, also receive patch 1</LI><LI>The changelog of the patch will appear in the autopatcher but currently includes these:</LI><UL><LI>Compatibility fixes for various resolutions on TV</LI><LI>A number of minor fixes</LI></UL></UL><STRONG><U>
Patch 1.42
<SPAN id=body0><U>Important note</U>: if you are running Windows Vista and Windows 7, and you are having graphical problems or resolution issues, it will help to uncheck the option "User interface in desktop resolution" in the advanced graphics options.

The following features and fixes are included in this patch: <UL><LI>Nightmare difficulty mode has been added<LI>The graphic options have been extended<LI>A number of balancing changes were included (overpowered enchantments, empty containers)<LI>The interact button now also takes all items in a container<LI>Compatibility fixes are present for various graphic cards (black screen problem)<LI>A system fix was introduced that solves issues like invisible npc's and overpowered enemies<LI>A number of minor fixes were done</LI></UL></SPAN>

Hier geht es zum Download: Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Patch 1.43