Starpoint Gemini - Gladiators (DLC)

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Starpoint Gemini - Gladiators (DLC)

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Kostenlose Download-Erweiterung "Gladiators" f&uuml;r die deutsche Version von <strong>Starpoint Gemini</strong>

The DLC named "Gladiators" is free to all players. Mario Mihokovic, CEO from LGM Games says: <em>"We feel there's no better way to thank all fans of Starpoint Gemini, Iceberg Interactive and Little Green Men for their tremendous support than offering a free add-on to the game and we hope gamers like this little gift called SPG Gladiators."</em>

The Starpoint Gemini Gladiators DLC Features are:
&bull; Four new ship designs add to the already large number of unique vessels
&bull; 50 new special ship systems that can only be awarded for victories in Gladiators
&bull; Outer Horizon, a new sector of Gemini where the special tournament is held
&bull; Series of difficult combat situations like Free-for-all and Team fights
&bull; Completely free-of-charge as a big thank you to everyone who supported us in developing and improving Starpoint Gemini

Hier geht es zum Download: Starpoint Gemini - Gladiators (DLC)