Beben 3 - Point Release 125

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Beben 3 - Point Release 125

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Beben 3 Point Release 125 - ca. 17,4 MB

<li>CD check disabled </li>
<li>Fixed autodownload code</li>
<li>Fixed Dropped sounds bug</li>
<li>New pure server code</li>
<li>New encryption</li>
<li>Added score balloons that appear over targets/locations where the player has scored individual points</li>
<li>Global Rankings support. Q**ke III Arena supports and interacts with MPlayers statistic recording and ranking system</li>
<li>Modified physics so that both dll and qvm physics match</li>
<li>Added the Defense Award and medal for defensive actions in team play.
<li>Modified awards for invidual scores</li>
<li>Added the Assist award and medal for actions which assist the flag carrier in scoring a capture</li>
<li>Added new botlib and area files. Bots will interact more effectively with the game environment. Bots understand how to use buttons</li>
<li>Added headmodel support to allow players to switch heads between models.
<li>Added team_model / team_headmodel cvars. Separate model and head can be specified for teamplay games only</li>
<li>Memory use is a lot more economical when using qvms</li>
<li>Expanded number of pak files that may be used from 64 to 1024</li>

Hier geht es zum Download: Beben 3 - Point Release 125