Homeworld 2 - Complex 8.1 (Mod)

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Homeworld 2 - Complex 8.1 (Mod)

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Modifikation <strong>Complex 8.1</strong> f&uuml;r Homeworld 2 (Version 1.1)

Complex is a free advanced game modification based on Relic Entertainment's Homeworld 2 game engine, free of any business directive.

Installation instructions:
check if you have the latest Complex version at http://www.homeworld2complex.com
clear your ...Homeworld2Data directory from any other installed mod/addon, your ..Homeworld2Data directory must contain only directories/files listed below:
install Complex in your Homeworld 2 installation folder;
run Complex on your desktop;

Website: www.homeworld2complex.com (complex.mastertopforum.com/)
Beghins 2012, All rights reserved,

Hier geht es zum Download: Homeworld 2 - Complex 8.1 (Mod)