Might & Magic Heroes VI - Patch 1.7

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Might & Magic Heroes VI - Patch 1.7

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.7 f&uuml;r die europ&auml;ischen Versionen von <strong>Might & Magic Heroes VI</strong> (auch f&uuml;r die deutsche Fassung)

<strong>Hinweis</strong>: Der Patch wird normalerweise mit der Auto-Update-Funktion runtergeladen. Version 1.5.2 muss installiert sein.

<li>Adventure Pack &ldquo;Danse Macabre&rdquo; Compatibility:
<li>Two new campaign maps</li>
<li>New neutral building 'Magic Menagerie'</li>
<li>Unique End Boss 'Dragonwraith'</li>
<li>New Dynasty Traits</li>
<li>New Hero 'Sandro'</li>
<li>New Heroes available for purchase in the Altar of Wishes</li>
<li>New Dynasty Weapon 'Staff of the Netherworld'</li>
<li>New Artifact Set</li>
<li>New Achievements</li>
<li>New Player Portraits available for purchase in the Altar of Wishes</li>
<li>New Dynasty Pet</li>

<li>New available multi-player maps:
<li>Warlords of Xeen</li>
<li>Coast of Intrigue</li>
<li>The Lost City</li>
<li>The Conquest of Enroth</li>

<li>Community bug requests fixes :
<li>In &ldquo;Pirates of the Savage Seas&rdquo; campaign, the secondary hero Falagar receives blood and tears reputation points.</li>
<li>In &ldquo;Pirates of the Save Seas&rdquo; campaign, the secondary hero Falagar has no specialization.</li>
<li>The secondary Stronghold Campaign hero Akamas does not have the First Blood level specialization during battle. </li>
<li>Magic Sanctuary hero Himiko has Might heroic strike animation and damage instead of water magic animation and damage.</li>
<li>Magic Stronghold campaign hero Airini as Might heroic strike animation and damage instead of magic animation and damage.</li>
<li>Magic Inferno campaign hero Xana has not heroic strike animation.</li>
<li>Crag Hack&rsquo;s &ldquo;Plunder&rdquo; (+1 gem per week) effect and the All-Seeing Crown artifact effect do not work.</li>
<li>Dynasty Weapons/Artifacts
<li>When two or more heroes the Artifact seller building on Adventure map with one of them, you can buy artifacts and scrolls to a remote hero by clicking on his portrait.</li>
<li>Artifacts that award bonuses to creature damage do not function correctly.</li>
<li>The "Winterwind Peace Circlet" Artifact doesn't work (already fixed in 1.5.2 patch).</li>
<li>The "Flamegold Shield" artifact does not award fire resistance (already fixed in 1.5.2 patch).</li>
<li>The "Gauntlets of the Khan" artifact's second ability (+1 to friendly creatures might damage) doesn't work (already fixed in 1.5.2 patch).</li>
<li>The "Frozen Chrysanthemum" Artifact doesn't work (already fixed in 1.5.2 patch).</li>
<li>The level 3 ability (Sephiel&rsquo;s Voice) of the Heartrending Song takes effect on 5x5 area instead of 3x3. </li>
<li>The Perfect Silksword&rsquo;s buff is not enough powerful. (Now gives +30%damage dealt and +40 Luck).</li>
<li>Missing icon for staff of Cleansing "Tainted Mist" ability in the Spellbook.</li>
<li>Staff of the Tides level 5 "Ice Barrier" ability does not absorb damage in retaliations.</li>
<li>Asha's Staff of Eightfold totally refills mana each day instead of the +10 mana.</li>
<li>The description of the Arachne's level 5 ability contains the value 0.</li>
<li>The level 3 (Sephiel's Voice) ability of the Heartrending Song gives too little heal.</li>
<li>Will of Urgash &ldquo;Burning Fire&rdquo; ability fire damage can be healed. </li>
<li>Will of Urgash &ldquo;Firestorm&rdquo; damage is not influenced by the Hero's level and Magic Power.</li>
<li>The number of summoned Juggernauts by the Blade of Binding is not influenced by the Hero&rsquo;s level.</li>
<li>Level 5 Staff of the Tides "Ice Barrier" ability was too powerful. It now disappears after the stack is dealt more than 393 damages.</li>
<li>The "Warping Pendant" artifact will be effective against enemies even if the hero does not have 10 might attack power.</li>
<li>Different items are present in the Artifact Merchant after loading a game.</li>
<li>"Some Rotten Forever" achievement cannot be unlocked.</li>
<li>A fight won without engaging in close combat is not counted for the "Marksman" achievement.</li>
<li>The "Mentoring" ability gives the hero 75% experience instead of 50% as indicated </li>
<li>The bonus to the "Diplomat" ability awarded by the "Master Diplomat" specialization is too small to make a difference.</li>
<li>Vampires and Vampire Lords cannot be attacked when they have the "Out of Time" buff.</li>
<li>The animation of the "Inner Eye" ability can be seen on units that are in the army of a Might hero.</li>
<li>The "Cleave" skill will trigger for every stack that destroys an enemy stack rather than just the first one.</li>
<li>Damage dealt by any spell is doubled if the user casts Pressed Attack.</li>
<li>Demographist II dynasty trait increases elite creature by 1 instead of 2.</li>
<li>The "Assailant I, II, III" abilities receive the same amount of points on both Tears and Blood reputation.</li>
<li>Stronghold campaign secondary hero Airini&rsquo;s first class tears ability cannot be used in combat.</li>
<li>The Meditation skill will restore 50% of the hero's mana even though the description states it should restore 15%.</li>
<li>The "Magic Affinity III" skill does not work.</li>
<li>The Fire Elemental "Cremation" ability does not work.</li>
<li>Dynasty trait Artifact Finder does not work. </li>
<li>Level 1 Sanctuary reputation ability for Might heroes is not displayed in the spell book.</li>
<li>The Lich's "Drain Life" ability doesn't work if the stack that is attacked dies.</li>
<li>A stack doesn't retaliate when is attacked by an enemy stack affected by "Taunt" ability.</li>
<li>Localizatio/Text error fixes
<li>Incorrect message is displayed when the player loses a battle in the arena</li>
<li>Incorrect description of Movement points for a unit affected by "Haste" spell.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "Vampire Palace" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>The user won't be able to zoom or move the camera using the scroll after he uses the "Statue of Revelation" Haven building</li>
<li>You can move the portrait of your hero while visiting an Arena or an Arcane Library.</li>
<li>The combat music effect continues playing after visiting an Arena until an action that triggers another music effect is made.</li>
<li>In Custom Game, there is not a Chose random enemy faction or/and hero on all slots.</li>
<li>The "Lightning Bolt,Fire Bolt and Agony" spells have no special effects when killing an enemy stack.</li>
<li>Loading an autosave creates a new autosave.</li>
<li>Attacking a hero that is outside the town (a few steps outside) starts a town battle with the defender inside the castle.</li>
<li>Player is not warned when one or several of his heroes have movement points left when he ends a turn. Now a popup window appears near the hourglass to warn the player.</li>
<li>The scrollbar does not reset after switching between tabs in the spellbook.</li>
<li>In the Diving Attack's tooltip there is no information about the special ability's cooldown.</li>
<li>Right clic info window disappears for no reason. It disappears now at a new right click press.</li>
<li>There is not a &ldquo;Lock Dynasty weapon&rdquo; button in MP lobby.</li>
<li>The Frost Miya does not increase population by 2 as described, but by 1.</li>
<li>Low resolution picture for Azkaal in the Bestiary.</li>
<li>Combat hotkeys are not functional when the user is attacked on passive turn.</li>
<li>The level bar of a Dynasty Weapon shows a constant value.</li>
<li>Special Offers (such as 10 crystals for 10 ore, or get 3000 gold for 10 woods etc.) from the Advanced Market changed on Save/Load.</li>

<li>Bug fixes :
<li>&nbsp;Localization/Text error fixes :
<li>The tooltip for the last achievements tab was not localized</li>
<li>Wrong tooltip for the "Fire Ball" ability.</li>
<li>In game lobby menu, the number of creatures in your army are shown at the 10th than the number of creatures that you actually have in combat</li>
<li>Wrong description displayed when opening the fort screen.</li>
<li>Incorrect description of movement points for a unit affected by "Slow" spell.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "Raging Kennels" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "War Pavilion" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "Harpy Colony" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "Hall of Agony" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "Pen of Chaos" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>Incorrect description in the "Haunted Tower" structure tooltip regarding the creature growth.</li>
<li>The intermissions and cinematics are not audio translated for "Pirates of the Savage Sea" campaign on Spanish, French and German localizations.</li>
<li>Inconsistency between tooltip and behavior</li>
<li>In &ldquo;A Princess of Varn&rdquo; scenario map, primary Quest marker is not displayed on the in game map menu.</li>
<li>Abilities / spells
<li>The might defense bonus received from Stone Skin spell is shown with a minus instead of a plus on friendly creatures.</li>
<li>The town portal spells are present in the spell book even if the town portal and advanced town portal are not built.</li>
<li>Curse of the netherworld will heal friendly stacks when the enemy is undead.</li>
<li>Despair increases the morale of the enemy instead of decreasing it</li>
<li>Siege master II has the same base damage for blood and tears reputation</li>
<li>The heroism, mass ability gives the creatures within your army 13% damage instead of 12%</li>
<li>Eternal winter ability last only one turn instead of 2 turns</li>
<li>Duck and cover still has 40% cover defense instead of 50%</li>
<li>The seraph has the Blade of Mercy ability instead of the Blade of Epiphany ability.</li>
<li>The celestial has the Blade of Epiphany ability instead of the Blade of Mercy ability.</li>

<li>Dynasty weapons
<li>Thunder staff - The +5 air magic bonus points given by the passive ability of the weapon are not received.</li>
<li>Staff of tides - The +5 water magic bonus points given by the passive ability of the weapon are not received.</li>
<li>Heartrending song - The +5 light magic bonus points given by the passive ability of the weapon are not received.</li>
<li>Missing icon for the passive abilities given by the Amulet of thunder, Evercold Icicle, Brythigga Amber, Rune of flame, Sun cross and Heart of Darkness</li>
<li>The maps created with the editor do not appear in the multiplayer game lobby.</li>
<li>Incorrect functionality for the creature dismiss hotkey</li>
<li>No autosave is generated for a hotseat session in offline mode.</li>
<li>The HUD is not visible for the first player in his first turn playing hotseat.</li>
<li>The quick save feature is not functional on hotseat mode.</li>
<li>Team options should be grayed out on 2 player maps .</li>
<li>The end turn hotkey doesn't work while on water.</li>
<li>The autosaves are not made daily for the first 4 days, for several campaign maps</li>
<li>The autosaves are not made daily for a period of 3 to 7 days after starting the map, for several skirmsh maps</li>
<li>The same hero is available twice for the user, ingame on the same map.</li>
<li>The perfectionist trait does not work as stated in the description. </li>
<li>Maniac weekly growth increased to 8 units instead of 9</li>
<li>The game crashes if the user enters a town before a dialogue box is triggered and tries to change anything in the town screen. </li>
<li>The final boss, Mother Namtaru, has no animation when she dies.</li>
<li>Wrong deployment area for creatures in combat map.</li>
<li>The game crashes if the user tries to load a game from the "End Screen".</li>
<li>The game crashes when the user confirms the Disconnected from Conflux message.</li>
<li>The Load Game shortcut does not have any functionality in-game.</li>
<li>After creating 44 heroes the 'Create New Hero' button is grayed out and no additional heroes can be created.</li>
<li>The game crashes when loading the first autosave made on any campaign map.</li>
<li>In &ldquo;The Lost City&rdquo; map, the user cannot pick the spell scroll after defeating the stack that guards the area.</li>
<li>In the 4<sup>th</sup> map of the Inferno Campaign, there is Wrong deployment area for creatures in combat map.</li>
<li>The "End Turn" button is functional only after it is pressed a second time.</li>

<li>Complete Balancing list:
<li>&ldquo;Fire Vulnerability&rdquo; (Fire damages taken +20%) effect is now considered as &ldquo;Might Vulnerability&rdquo; (Might damages taken +20%).</li>
<li>&ldquo;Chilled&rdquo; and &ldquo;Frozen&rdquo; effects now add &ldquo;Might Vulnerability&rdquo; effect.</li>
<li>Circle of Winter ability damage increased to 700/800/900.</li>
<li>Assailant ability is now based on Blood reputation.</li>
<li>Defender and Arcane Ward abilities are now based on Tears reputation.</li>
<li>Assailant, Defender and Arcane Ward abilities give modifiers based on reputation:
<li>Reputation 0
<li>Tier I: 2</li>
<li>Tier II: 3</li>
<li>Tier III: 4</li>
<li>Reputation 1
<li>Tier I: 3</li>
<li>Tier II: 4</li>
<li>Tier III: 5</li>
<li>Reputation 2
<li>Tier I: 4</li>
<li>Tier II: 5</li>
<li>Tier III: 6</li>
<li>Opposite reputation
<li>Tier I: 2</li>
<li>Tier II: 3</li>
<li>Tier III: 4</li>

<li>Creature Abilities
<li>Guardian Angel IV healing power decreased to 23% (-5%).</li>
<li>Marksman &ldquo;Piercing Bolt&rdquo; passive ability is now an Active ability.</li>
<li>Crossbowman health decreased to 20 (-2).</li>
<li>Marksman health decreased to 24 (-2).</li>
<li>Sentinel Health increased to 25 (+4).</li>
<li>Praetorian health increased to 32 (+32).</li>
<li>Praetorian growth rate decreased to 14 (-1).</li>
<li>Praetorian movement increased to 5 (+1).</li>
<li>Sun Rider movement increased to 6 (+1)</li>
<li>Juggernaut movement increased to 6 (+1).</li>
<li>Juggernaut Minimum Melee Damage decreased to 17 (-1).</li>
<li>Juggernaut Maximum Melee Damage decreased to 20 (-1).</li>
<li>Breeder and Mother Breeder &ldquo;Mana leach&rdquo; ability decreased to 4% (-1%).</li>
<li>Breeder morale decreased to 4 (-6).</li>
<li>Breeder luck decreased to 8 (-4).</li>
<li>Mother Breeder has now &ldquo;Mobile Shooter&rdquo; ability.</li>
<li>Mother Breeder cost increased to 550 (+55).</li>
<li>Mother Breeder morale decreased to 4 (-6).</li>
<li>Mother Breeder Luck decreased to 10 (-5).</li>

<li>Ravenous Ghoul growth rate increased to 10 (+1).</li>
<li>Ghost growth rate increased to 7 (+1).</li>
<li>Specter growth rate increased to 10 (+2).</li>
<li>Vampire&rsquo;s &ldquo;Out of Time&rdquo; passive ability is now an Active ability with a 2 turns cooldown.</li>
<li>Vampire &ldquo;Embrace&rdquo; ability power increased by 5% (20% drain).</li>
<li>Vampire Lord &ldquo;Grasp&rdquo; ability power increased by 5% (25% drain).</li>
<li>Spring Spirits and Mizu-Kamis have now the passive Ability &ldquo;Water Strike&rdquo;.</li>
<li>First Blood ability movement boost decreased to 1 (-1).</li>
<li>Crusher Minimum Melee Damage decreased to 4 (-1).</li>
<li>Crusher Maximum Melee Damage decreased to 8 (-1).</li>
<li>Crusher health decreased to 34 (-2).</li>
<li>Crusher growth rate decreased to 9 (-1).</li>

Hier geht es zum Download: Might & Magic Heroes VI - Patch 1.7