Die Siedler 7 - Patch 1.01

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Die Siedler 7 - Patch 1.01

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.01 für <STRONG>Die Siedler 7</STRONG> bzw. The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom

Changes in Version 1.01

- Facebook and Twitter features implemented
- Increased multiplayer stability
- Fixed various balancing issues
- Fixes localization issues

Bug Fixes
- Fixed various problems with the savegame option
- Fixed problems with online profile storage
- Fixed crashes related to street upgrade
- Fixed crashes in map forge
- Fixed a lot of minor bugs

If you are behind a proxy and would like to use the Facebook features, add the following entries under [System] in your options.ini (find it here: C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\My Documents\Settlers7\Options.ini):

WebProxyHost = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
WebProxyPort = xxxx
WebProxyUsername = someName (optional)
WebProxyPassword = somePassword (optional)

Hier geht es zum Download: Die Siedler 7 - Patch 1.01