Max and the Magic Marker - Patch 1.04

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Max and the Magic Marker - Patch 1.04

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.04 für <STRONG>Max and the Magic Marker</STRONG>

<STRONG><U>Patch 1.04
-Support for 16:9 resolutions

<U>Bug Fixes
</U>-Hints are back for non-english languages.

<STRONG><U>Patch 1.03
</U>- Better support for high resolution settings
- Overall refinement of physics
- Overall refinement of input systems
- More precise drawing

<U>Additional features and improvements:</U>
- Level name shown when level is started
- Max 'attempting' to climb is now animated
- General level specific tuning

<U>Bug Fixes:</U>
- Drawing occassional automatically erases themselves
- Camera leaving max offscreen
- Completion of 100% is now possible
- Menu text only partly visible on specific languages
- Ink no longer disappearing occassionally
- Added sound effects
- [PC only] Occassional game crashes on killing of gobos
- [PC only] Ink cannon on Pirate world occassionally crashing
- [Mac only] White graphics artifact no longer appearing on old Radeon graphics cards

<STRONG><U>Patch 1.02
-Optimiertes Balancing
-Variablere Musikuntermalung
-Die einzelnen Level-Anzeigen im Hauptmenü geben nun direkt Auskunft über individuellen Fortschritt und die Errungenschaften
-Abgründe und versperrte Türen wurden gefixt, aus denen Max sich gelegentlich nicht mehr befreien konnte
-Vereinzelte Systemabstürze bei bestimmten Hardwarekonstellationen wurden behoben

Hier geht es zum Download: Max and the Magic Marker - Patch 1.04