Not evil, necessarily, but you do have a sadistic streak. You view yourself as being a helpful person, but feel your efforts are vastly under-appreciated by others. People think you're a liar...possibly because you are.
Hhmmm eigentlich hält mich niemand für einen Lügner... die meisten merken nicht wenn ich lüge
Keine Ahnung ich schau so gut wie nie Fern hab Scrubs nur ein paar mal gesehen darum kannte ich die Klischees nicht, ich denke damit hab ich es recht ehrlich beantwortet
No one likes you. But that's just first impressions! Once people get beyond your initial...weirdness, they come to see you as a pretty cool person who genuinely tries, over and over if need be, to succeed in everything -- work, relationships, and life in general. All you need to do is relax a little, build up a little self-confidence, and maybe figure out what to do with that hair in your face.
No one likes you. But that's just first impressions! Once people get beyond your initial...weirdness, they come to see you as a pretty cool person who genuinely tries, over and over if need be, to succeed in everything -- work, relationships, and life in general. All you need to do is relax a little, build up a little self-confidence, and maybe figure out what to do with that hair in your face.
No one likes you. But that's just first impressions! Once people get beyond your initial...weirdness, they come to see you as a pretty cool person who genuinely tries, over and over if need be, to succeed in everything -- work, relationships, and life in general. All you need to do is relax a little, build up a little self-confidence, and maybe figure out what to do with that hair in your face.
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me
hier hat ma irgendwer son witz gebracht mit deutschen akzenten.. und am schluss kam irgendwie gott und der sprach dann hessisch oder so^^ wie ging der?
"Hauptsache es fährt quer" - Tim Schrick
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me