Wie Kojima nun aber in seinem Blog mitteilt, seien diese Aussagen aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen worden und die Japanischen Aussagen von ihm wurden falsch verstanden.Zitat:
Hideo Kojima:
I just got back from Paris and did 15 interviews and everyone asked me about it, did I say that. The meaning of what I said has totally been changed, made totally different.
Er selbst aber strebe immer nach höheren Zielen und wolle nicht ständig prahlen: „Ich sage nicht 'Ich bin der Typ von MGS 4' oder 'Das ist das Beste', so wie es beispielsweise die Amerikaner machen.“Zitat:
Hideo Kojima:
The comments derived from "MGS4, inside the biggest PS3 Game" to "Hideo disappointed with MGS4" it was translated compeltely translated wrong due to cultural differences. There are several comments that is like the disappointment articles, like the one that says "Hideo think PS3 can't not handle the GAME" or "the 50GB Blu-ray is simply not enough."
hier der link zum blog
http://boardsus.playstation.com/playsta ... ing&page=1