hats eigentlich schon jemals so eine verwirrung und unsicherheit über den projektnamen einer nintendo konsole gegeben? find das ja irgendwie lustig.
achja, die OCR sache... habs mal unbearbeitet reinkopiert. brauchts keiner mehr abtippen ^^
ID Round Cactus 05/15/11 (Sun)18 30 No.95296985(ID I@ Hide KB, 195x240, opium-pod.jpg) I actually have the full list. Just so you guys know. There's at least 10 bullshit titles on that list, just FYI. A lot more of it is just mishearing things. It's about half credible. Anyway, is anybody interested in the real deal? I'm going to be emailing 1up about it pretty soon. You guys could be amateur journalists! ID Round Cactus 05/15/11(Sun)1850 No.9529898900 Hide File1305499804.jpg-(76 KB, 580x435,laughing-poppies.jpg) Alright fellows, here is the deal. The system is going to be called the Current, because it is their "current" project. The games can run at a pretty high resolution and clock a good framerate, but that's not important. It can connect you to your-friends' games instantaneously, so you can jump in and play with them any time, without waiting for the round to end or anything. It also updates while you're playing, thanks to a neat modular codefacel Other than that, the controllers have physical feedback touch screens, which can simulate textures ... to some degree! On top of all that, it really does look like a Super Famicom. But onto the games, right? First up are the first party titles - Oh, by the way, this is just the E3 lineup, I'm sure they're actually pulling some punches for TGS to really knock Sony and Microsoft out of the park' Oh my, silly fields, being too long. Hold on! EJ Round Cactus 05/15/11(Sun)1855 No.952995181ID Hide File1305500140.jpg-(27 KB, 40Ox400, poppy_seed_pods_postcard-p2394( ... ).jpg) -Packaged in Mii minigames, of course. The bit of it being wave race-esque is a bit of a falsification. It's a family title. -Current Mario Kart -Super Smash Brothers 4 -Endless Ocean is real, actually! ';'0 is Pikmin. -There's nothing Zelda, that's for sure. if you can believe it' I Ohmy. released. ;; to Remember what they did to us at the end of the Gamecube's life? That's this. -There are a couple new IPs, but the big hitters are SSB4, Mario Kart, Kirby, and Pikmin. As far as launch windows: -There's some form of Zelda collection, in honor of the anniversary. It'll include Wind Waker, for sure. -Another Animal Crossing thing. -Some small, weird little RPG thing is coming from Nintendo. -Another Kid Icarus game to compliment its big brother on 3DS. -Another first person Metroid title, though it isn't focusing entirely on Samus. -A bunch of downloadable titles from Nintendo that they've been holding back for this shop. These are originals as well as virtual console 'remasterings' aimed at today's youth. -A new Mario game that looks like a strange little open world romp instead of a hub world with stages dynamic. -Another Donkey Kong Country title. They're coming out swinging, this year. Would you like third party, as well? I couldn't fit it in this post. I'm sorry. ID Round Cactus 05/15/11(Sun)1909 No.9530082000 Hide File1305500947.jpg-(18 KB, 237x300, opium_poppy_seeds.jpg) , »95299518 About the new IPs, I know one of them focuses on being a lighthearted post apocalypse set on the ocean. It looked a little bit like Quest 64 in character designs. The other is some make of casual puzzle fare. Onto third parties, if you'll forgive me for omitting companies involved. -Dead Rising 2, with full features. No reduced zombie counts. -Street Fighter 4 is getting another "Super" edition :Resld:.\'ftt'b, or sometnlng tfim'ltcikf'Re ,t':'lt might be something akin to Mercenaries or Dark Chronicles. -Silent Hill Downpour is indeed coming Currentward. -Phantasy Star Online 2 is a lie, that game is a PC exclusive. Sorry, I want it to be true, too. -There's a new Suda game coming to Current, but it's not No More Heroes, at least not at launch. It's something about hunting demons. -There's some comic book games, including a Spiderman title, so that much was right. -Another Shin Megami Tensei title, this might be Persona 5 or it might be in the Devil Summoner lineup. -There's naturally some new IPs, nothing that caught by eye but some shooters and some JRPG fare. -A mecha game is coming. It could either be Front Mission or Armored Core, though I lean to Armored Core. -Sports titles, blah blah boring. -Trauma Center: Current Crisis is real. -uowOIoaaame'llUes as"Weli. -There's a Soul Calibur and Tekken game, if Street Fighter isn't your bag. The Tekken game might be Street Fighter vs Tekken, but there's no reason to believe it's expanded beyond garphics. -GTA V is coming in the form of an announcement, but it's not an exclusive I don't think. Damn you field length. More pending.
und die rechte seite:
EI Round Cactus 05/15/11(Sun)1914 No.95301386[ID Hide File1305501297.jpg-(l77 KB, 350x524, opium-wpod.jpg) -Ridge Racer? Who would believe this? Don't buy into it. -There is in fact a Crystal Chronicles game, it seems to be a direct prequel to the Gamecube one, expanding that world some more. It's more like a proper Final Fantasy, but it's being handled by a different team. -Some Metal Gear Solid game where you playas a girt -A cyberpunk 100kingJl_ame. Honestl I think it was Snatcher., . . -'i'nere was a Dastball game wherethe tfa'il was on tire. is fhis common or something? -A new Gradius -There's another attempt at Castlevania in 3d, or maybe 2.5d. -Some tank RPG, Metal Saga C. -A Contra title, Current C. e a rereiear of Sic for PS3? I hope it was something new and not that, or at least that they fix it. -Fallout 3 or 4, I don't know the series well enough to say. Might have been something apeing the series, so don't think about this one too much. Most of these titles aren't getting much show at the expo, just clips. There was some stuff in their typical clip collection digest that I didn't recognize, but the range is pretty wide. Yes, you can use Wii remotes and balance boards and everything. Your Wii shop points carry over if you have a Nintendo account. If your data is on an SO card, you can bring it to your Current. lEI Anonymous 05/15J11(Sun)19 51 No.95305263[ID Hide with a bit of searching I found this.
http://www.freepatentsonline.comI20040 142749. pdf it appears to be the innards of a controller. just remember this is the innards and were yet to see the case. lEI Anonymous 05/15J11(Sun)19:55 NO.95305678 Hide »95305263 ignore myoid post wrong link.
http://www.freepatentsonline.comI7914379 .pdf IE] Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:12 NO.95307528 Hide PROTIP: Cactus is telling the truth. Proof: PS02 is PC exclusive. Gears of War is contracted to Microsoft. This Dave tripfag who leaked MML3 stuff has also been talking about most of the games on the cactus list Patents support the controller claims The ESRB started rating Project Cafe games last week. This is it, guys. Japan Time 2 is coming. lEI Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19 20 No.95301939[l!) I?§I Hide Round Cactus, seeing as you're not a bot, I will yet again ask you this same question. IS CURRENT REGION LOCKED? EI Round Cactus 05/15/11(Sun)1923 No.953023421ID Hide File1305501819.jpg-(73 KB, 354x500, 570496125_cce38eb504.jpg) »95301939 I have no idea, online interactivity isn't in that you can play with people from different countries. I think that means it's unlocked. Since I don't know for sure I'd rather not say. I'm sorry. »95302342 So how and where do you got this information. EI Anonymous 05/15J11(Sun)19 25 No.95302626[l!) I?§I Hide Assuming it's real. Assuming. IE] Round Cactus 05/15f11(Sun)19 48 No.95304955iID Hide File1305503304.jpg-(9 KB, 130x179, opium_poppy_bud.jpg) »95302626 I work at the ESRB. We had to skim their digest video. IE] Anonymous 05f15f11 (Sun)20 13 No.953076191ID Hide »95301386 »95300820 »95299518 »95298989 Round Cactus, sorry if you've answered this already, but where and how did you acquire this information? IE] Anonymous 05f15J11(Sun)20 13 No.953077031ID Hide »95307619 see»95304955 IE] Round Cactus 05f15f11(Sun)20 15 No.95307823[l!) I?§I Hide File1305504908.jpg-(9 KB, 400x267, poppytop.jpg) »95307619 see· »95304955 Since the video contained clips of games rated T-MA, we had to make sure the clips themselves had an E-E.lO rating. [:J Anonymous 05115111(Sun)20 17 No.953080401ID@ Hide Smash Bros 4. DID YOU SEE ANYTHING NEW? IE] Round Cactus05f15f11(Sun)2020 No.953083961ID Hide File1305505243.gif-(117 KB, 428x440, F1.medium.gif) »95308040 New Zelda and Mario stages, mostly. Characters were too small in the clip to notice anybody new, but Pit, Mario, Link, and Kirby are returning. I might've seen Claus or some Sin and Punishment character, but that could've been an assist trophy. It was like, five to ten seconds of stuff going on in the background. >Go to esrb.com >Search Zelda Universe >??? >Profit IE] Anonymous 05/15f11(Sun)2021 No.953085111ID Hide »95308396 IE] Anonymous 05f15f11(Sun)2021 No.95308517llB Hide >Sin and Punishment character Blue shirt, blond hair? lEI Round Cactus 05/15f11 (Sun)20 26 No.9530893SiID Hide »95308511 Good catch, that's the collection's prerelease title. Gotta let somebody know about it before it gets spread around too much. Stuff that's actually on our site leaking is bad. »95308517 Black shirt and light hair, but it wasn't blonde I don't think. Lighting was weird. I just know he was doing a sword thing and had an arm cannon, but Sin and Punishment just seems more likely to me. »95308533 At work.