Das wird dir pro Spiel auf der MM Seite angezeigt. Entweder sie haben es schon da oder du mußt mit ca. 2 Tagen rechnen.HavanaAffair hat geschrieben:Danke für die antworten
dann muss ich eben ein weiteres mitnehmen
wollte mir und ein kumpel crysis 3
wie lange dauert es wenn ich es bei media markt geliefert haben möchte?
Moderatoren: Moderatoren, Redakteure
- Beiträge: 21942
- Registriert: 27.05.2011 18:40
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Schnäppchenthread
- Againstdead
- Beiträge: 1090
- Registriert: 06.04.2010 22:02
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Schnäppchenthread
so war bei mm und die spiele waren für 16,33 ausgezeichnet und ich habe mir 2 mal crysis 3 geholt
falls jemand wissen möchte welcher mm es war es ist der mm in der krummestrasse in berlin
falls jemand wissen möchte welcher mm es war es ist der mm in der krummestrasse in berlin
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Das hat mich gestern auch abgeschreckt... war ja schon fleißig am Löschen um die aktuellen Plusspiele laden zu können ;_;CryTharsis hat geschrieben:Wurde abgeändert. Werde es mir aber doch nicht holen...über 21GB saugen...nein danke, ich würde das Spiel gerne noch dieses Jahr zocken.Supabock hat geschrieben:Die Angebote gelten schon, allerdings scheint Sly Cooper: Jagd durch die Zeit im deutschen Store nicht reduziert zu sein...
Wobei das eigentlich nur n Fehler sein kann.
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Spiel der Woche im PS-Store
Der reguläre Preis isz hoffentlich nicht wirklich 19,99€, oder?Journey
Vorher: €19.99 Jetzt: €6.49
Zusätzlich 10% Rabatt für PS Plus-Mitglieder.
- crimsonidol
- Beiträge: 2483
- Registriert: 04.12.2012 20:38
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Ne, der vorherige Preis ist 12,99 EUR.
19,99 EUR kostet die Journey's Collectors Edition inklusive Flower, flow, drei anderen thatgamecompany-Spielen, Soundtracks und Artwork.
Wäre mal schön wenn nicht immer die selben Titel rabattiert werden.
19,99 EUR kostet die Journey's Collectors Edition inklusive Flower, flow, drei anderen thatgamecompany-Spielen, Soundtracks und Artwork.
Wäre mal schön wenn nicht immer die selben Titel rabattiert werden.

Re: Schnäppchenthread
Flower habe ich schon, aber ich möchte irgendwie trotzdem die CE haben, alleine wegen den Soundtracks... grmph.
Und bei Infamous weiß ich auch nicht, ob ich zur Collection greifen soll, weil ich den 1. Teil schon besitze.
Das Gleiche bei der Ico Collection, da weiß ich nicht ob es sich lohnt die digital für weniger zu kaufen oder lieber noch warten, Retail kaufen und dann iwann wieder verkaufen.
Verdammter Sale.
Und bei Infamous weiß ich auch nicht, ob ich zur Collection greifen soll, weil ich den 1. Teil schon besitze.
Das Gleiche bei der Ico Collection, da weiß ich nicht ob es sich lohnt die digital für weniger zu kaufen oder lieber noch warten, Retail kaufen und dann iwann wieder verkaufen.
Verdammter Sale.
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Teil 2 dürfte in etwa genausoviele Hauptquests haben wie der erste TeilOynox Slider hat geschrieben:Flower habe ich schon, aber ich möchte irgendwie trotzdem die CE haben, alleine wegen den Soundtracks... grmph.
Und bei Infamous weiß ich auch nicht, ob ich zur Collection greifen soll, weil ich den 1. Teil schon besitze.
Das Gleiche bei der Ico Collection, da weiß ich nicht ob es sich lohnt die digital für weniger zu kaufen oder lieber noch warten, Retail kaufen und dann iwann wieder verkaufen.
Verdammter Sale.
40 Stück
9 oder 10 Missionen

SotC/Ico Ich hab den digitalen Kauf bereut^^ Alle beschweren sich bei Heavy Rain über wenig Gameplay, dabei würde ich SotC auf gleicher Ebene einordnen. Kunst hin oder her. Die Welt ist zu leer und man kann ja praktisch shcon alles

positive Flohmarkt-Bewertung: S. 400, 401, 404 (2x), 457, 514.
positive Flohmarkt-Bewertung: S. 400, 401, 404 (2x), 457, 514.
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Hat den inFamous 2 Wiederspielswert? Also dass man irgendwie noch in der City was machen kann? Den 1er fand ich da etwas leer.
- Beiträge: 6138
- Registriert: 01.08.2007 14:25
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Es sind in der Stadt überall nebenaufgaben verstreut, aber dies wiederholen sich nach und nach vom schema. Es gibt auch einen online modus, bei dem user selbst soche nebenquests erstellen können, also ken direkter online MP.
Als Wiederspielwert würde ich auch zählen dass man ja ein mal auf gut und einmal auf böse durchspieln kann.
Es sind in der Stadt überall nebenaufgaben verstreut, aber dies wiederholen sich nach und nach vom schema. Es gibt auch einen online modus, bei dem user selbst soche nebenquests erstellen können, also ken direkter online MP.
Als Wiederspielwert würde ich auch zählen dass man ja ein mal auf gut und einmal auf böse durchspieln kann.
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Also die Bomben entschärfen gipfelt in einer Mission am Ende (dürfte die einzige Nebenaufgabe mit abschließender Mission sein). An sich gibts noch die Scherben zum sammeln (diesmal gibts ne Fähigkeit, die dich zur nächsten Scherbe navigiert) und ansonsten kann mans nochmal spielen wegen dem jeweils anderen Ende/Spielweise.
Ich habs schon 4 mal mittlerweile durchgezockt. 2 mal direkt (gut/böse) und dann als mich die Lust gepackt hate. FoB ist auch super vor allem die Sequenz in der Mitte des Spiels zum Höhepunkt der Pyrenight (wie ich finde^^)
Dürfte net zu viel gespoilert sein
Ich habs schon 4 mal mittlerweile durchgezockt. 2 mal direkt (gut/böse) und dann als mich die Lust gepackt hate. FoB ist auch super vor allem die Sequenz in der Mitte des Spiels zum Höhepunkt der Pyrenight (wie ich finde^^)
Dürfte net zu viel gespoilert sein

positive Flohmarkt-Bewertung: S. 400, 401, 404 (2x), 457, 514.
positive Flohmarkt-Bewertung: S. 400, 401, 404 (2x), 457, 514.
Re: Schnäppchenthread
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Fantastic sale on BioShock Infinite until 16 August only €29.99 / £19.99 in the PlayStation Store --> <a href="http://t.co/m48IrrMK3h">http://t.co/m48 ... </p>— PlayStation Europe (@PlayStationEU) <a href="https://twitter.com/PlayStationEU/statu ... 96">August 9, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
ah, cool, geht nicht.
Naja, jedenfalls gibts Bioshock Infinite bis nächsten Freitag für 29,99€ im PS Store.
Für alle mit PS+ nur 26,99€
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
ah, cool, geht nicht.
Naja, jedenfalls gibts Bioshock Infinite bis nächsten Freitag für 29,99€ im PS Store.
Für alle mit PS+ nur 26,99€
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Neue Sommer Angebote:
(mal im Spoiler-Tag, es sind sehr sehr viele)
(mal im Spoiler-Tag, es sind sehr sehr viele)
Dead or Alive 5
Was €39.99/£29.99/AU$49.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Way of the Samurai 4 (Not available in New Zealand)
Was €49.99/£39.99/AU$73.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Ratchet & Clank 2
Was €14.99/11.99/AU$21.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
When Vikings Attack Special Edition
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €6.49/£5.19/AU$9.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Dead Island Riptide (not available in Germany)
Was €49.99/£39.99/AU$73.95, now €24.99/£19.99/AU$36.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Joe Danger 2
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Demolition Inc.
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (not available in Italy and Spain)
Was €69.99/£55.99/AU$103.95, now €44.99/£36.99/AU$66.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
All Zombies Must Die!
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Burn Zombie Burn! (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €1.49/£1.19/AU$2.15
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Deus Ex
Was €14.99/£11.99, now €9.99/£7.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €5.99/£4.79/AU$8.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Anomaly Warzone Earth (not available in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Just Cause
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Just Cause 2
Was €14.99/£10.99/AU$17.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
DOOM Classic Complete
Was €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, now €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (not available in Australia, India, Israel, Kuwait, New Zealand, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE)
Was €19.99/£15.99, now €9.99/£7.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Learning with the PooYoos – Episode 2 (Not available in Portugal, Russia, Ukraine)
Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65
Additional 15% Discount for Plus Members
Red Johnson’s Chronicles – One Against All (Not available in New Zealand)
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 20% Discount for Plus Members
Mountain Crime: Requital (Not available in Australia, Germany, New Zealand)
Was €14.99/£11.99 , now €7.49/£5.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Dogfight 1942 Bundle
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Novastrike (Not available in Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, India, New Zealand, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey)
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Premier Manager (Not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Qatar)
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Auditorium HD
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
BASEBALL STARS 2 (Not available Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Disney Pixar Brave PS3 (not available in Denmark, France, Kuwait, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Ukraine, UAE)
Was €24.99/£19.99/AU$29.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Disney Pixar Cars 2 The Video Game (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
The Simpsons Arcade Game
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Puzzle Chronicles (not available in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, India, Kuwait, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
4 Elements HD (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
HOARD (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Brain Challenge (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Blue Toad Murder Files: Ep 1-6 (not available in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, India, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine)
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €6.99/£5.49/AU$10.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
THEXDER NEO (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.19/[NEED PRICE]/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Men In Black:Alien Crisis
Was €59.99/£49.99/AU$89.95, now €29.99/£19.99/AU$39.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Ice Age 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games (Not available in Australia and NZ)
Was €59.99/£49.99, now €29.99/£23.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Tori Emaki (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €2.99/£2.39/AU$4.35, now €1.49/£1.19/AU$2.15
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Super Rub’a'Dub (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Nucleus (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine)
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine)
Was €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, now €5.49/£4.49/AU$8.05
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Battle Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine)
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Forts Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Puzzle Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Retro Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Time Attack Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Multi-player Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Single-player Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Customisation Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution
Was €13.99/£10.99/AU$20.45, now €6.49/£5.19/AU$9.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution Funfair Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution Mars Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution Medieval Tales Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Was €39.99/£29.99/AU$49.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Way of the Samurai 4 (Not available in New Zealand)
Was €49.99/£39.99/AU$73.95, now €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Ratchet & Clank 2
Was €14.99/11.99/AU$21.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
When Vikings Attack Special Edition
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €6.49/£5.19/AU$9.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Dead Island Riptide (not available in Germany)
Was €49.99/£39.99/AU$73.95, now €24.99/£19.99/AU$36.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Joe Danger 2
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Demolition Inc.
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (not available in Italy and Spain)
Was €69.99/£55.99/AU$103.95, now €44.99/£36.99/AU$66.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
All Zombies Must Die!
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Burn Zombie Burn! (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €1.49/£1.19/AU$2.15
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Deus Ex
Was €14.99/£11.99, now €9.99/£7.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €5.99/£4.79/AU$8.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Warhammer 40000: Kill Team (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Anomaly Warzone Earth (not available in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden)
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
PixelJunk Racers 2nd Lap
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Just Cause
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Just Cause 2
Was €14.99/£10.99/AU$17.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
DOOM Classic Complete
Was €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, now €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (not available in Australia, India, Israel, Kuwait, New Zealand, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE)
Was €19.99/£15.99, now €9.99/£7.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Learning with the PooYoos – Episode 2 (Not available in Portugal, Russia, Ukraine)
Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65
Additional 15% Discount for Plus Members
Red Johnson’s Chronicles – One Against All (Not available in New Zealand)
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 20% Discount for Plus Members
Mountain Crime: Requital (Not available in Australia, Germany, New Zealand)
Was €14.99/£11.99 , now €7.49/£5.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Dogfight 1942 Bundle
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Novastrike (Not available in Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, India, New Zealand, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey)
Was €7.99/£6.49, now €3.99/£3.19
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Premier Manager (Not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Qatar)
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Auditorium HD
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
BASEBALL STARS 2 (Not available Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Was €8.99/£7.29/AU$13.25, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Disney Pixar Brave PS3 (not available in Denmark, France, Kuwait, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Ukraine, UAE)
Was €24.99/£19.99/AU$29.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Disney Pixar Cars 2 The Video Game (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €19.99/£15.99/AU$24.95, now €9.99/£7.99/AU$12.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
The Simpsons Arcade Game
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Puzzle Chronicles (not available in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, India, Kuwait, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
4 Elements HD (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
HOARD (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Brain Challenge (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Blue Toad Murder Files: Ep 1-6 (not available in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, India, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine)
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €6.99/£5.49/AU$10.35
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
THEXDER NEO (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.19/[NEED PRICE]/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Men In Black:Alien Crisis
Was €59.99/£49.99/AU$89.95, now €29.99/£19.99/AU$39.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Ice Age 4: Continental Drift: Arctic Games (Not available in Australia and NZ)
Was €59.99/£49.99, now €29.99/£23.99
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Tori Emaki (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €2.99/£2.39/AU$4.35, now €1.49/£1.19/AU$2.15
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Super Rub’a'Dub (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €4.99/£3.99/AU$7.35, now €2.49/£1.99/AU$3.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Nucleus (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €7.99/£6.49/AU$11.75, now €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine)
Was €9.99/£7.99/AU$14.45, now €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine)
Was €14.99/£11.99/AU$21.95, now €5.49/£4.49/AU$8.05
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Battle Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Ukraine)
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Forts Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Puzzle Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Retro Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms 2: Armageddon Time Attack Pack (not available in Bulgaria, Hungary, Qatar)
Was €3.59/£2.99/AU$5.25, now €1.75/£1.49/AU$2.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem
Was €12.99/£9.99/AU$18.45, now €4.49/£3.69/AU$6.65
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Multi-player Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Single-player Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Ultimate Mayhem: Customisation Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution
Was €13.99/£10.99/AU$20.45, now €6.49/£5.19/AU$9.55
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution Funfair Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution Mars Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
Worms Revolution Medieval Tales Pack
Was €3.99/£3.19/AU$5.85, now €1.99/£1.59/AU$2.95
Additional 10% discount for PS Plus members
- Beiträge: 21942
- Registriert: 27.05.2011 18:40
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Da werde ich wohl Joe Danger 2 mitnehmen. Ich liebe den ersten Teil. Ansonsten nichts für mich dabei.
- RuNN!nG J!m
- Beiträge: 8425
- Registriert: 27.10.2008 11:48
- Persönliche Nachricht:
Re: Schnäppchenthread
- Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3) für 46,03€ (Rabattcode "GTAV5OFF") von 2game.com
Auf den Preis kommt man mit dem Rabattcode und Bezahlung durch PayPal (4% teurer)
Das Angebot soll nicht mehr lange laufen!
Laut Chillmo ist 2game ein seriöser Shop mit Lieferzeiten von 3-4 Tage und ohne Zollrisiko.
Auf den Preis kommt man mit dem Rabattcode und Bezahlung durch PayPal (4% teurer)
Das Angebot soll nicht mehr lange laufen!
Laut Chillmo ist 2game ein seriöser Shop mit Lieferzeiten von 3-4 Tage und ohne Zollrisiko.
Kommt genau richtig^^ Meine Playstation Plus-Mitgliedschaft läuft nächsten Monat aus. Heute abend mal schauen, ob es auf Ebay günstige 50€ PSN Karten gibt.PlayStation Plus ist ab sofort verfügbar und steht gegen eine Einmalzahlung in Höhe von 49,99 € auch weiterhin zur Verfügung. Wie ihr vielleicht schon während der gamescom-Pressekonferenz mitbekommen habt, stellen wir euch 90 Tage ohne zusätzliche Kosten zur Verfügung, wenn ihr im PlayStation Store bis zum 20. September eine Mitgliedschaft für ein Jahr erwerbt.
Zuletzt geändert von RuNN!nG J!m am 21.08.2013 11:28, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Re: Schnäppchenthread
Kann 2game empfehlen.
Kleiner Shop aber wirklich extrem schnell.
Hatte von da Tomb Raider vorbestellt, war ein ganzes Wochenende vorm offiziellen Release da.
Remember Me
haben gerade game.co.uk (19 Pfund) und shopto.net (20 Pfund) im Angebot - beide wollen ca. 3 Pfund Versand.
Kleiner Shop aber wirklich extrem schnell.
Hatte von da Tomb Raider vorbestellt, war ein ganzes Wochenende vorm offiziellen Release da.
Remember Me
haben gerade game.co.uk (19 Pfund) und shopto.net (20 Pfund) im Angebot - beide wollen ca. 3 Pfund Versand.