Quantum Break |OT| 5.4. Release incl. Alan Wake + AWAM für Preorder

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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von mosh_ »

Bedameister hat geschrieben:Bild

Verfickte AXT BEDA XD. Eben die Adresse kopiert und mit dem Vorhaben es zu posten auf 4p gegangen. Dann sehe ich der letzte Beitrag im Onebereich ist von dir...

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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von johndoe1197293 »

Imposant! An den Licht und Explosionseffekten erkennt man Remedy: Alan Wake Style.
Beiträge: 19413
Registriert: 22.02.2009 20:25
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Bedameister »

CryTharsis hat geschrieben:Imposant! An den Licht und Explosionseffekten erkennt man Remedy: Alan Wake Style.
Wenn sie jetzt noch Gameplay ähnlich gut wie bei Max Payne einbauen :Hüpf: Scheiße ich brauch ne One

Hier ein ausführliches Interview mit Sam Lake ( :anbet: )

http://www.polygon.com/2013/11/22/51331 ... -narrative
"First and foremost, it's a game. It's a big, cinematic, story driven action adventure. In many ways, we're taking everything we've learned from previous games and raising the bar much higher.

At the same time, almost as a feature of the game, it is an entertainment experience, and with that it's a fusion of a game and a live action show. So...once again, like with Alan Wake, we're using episodic TV series-esque basing for the storytelling, but it still ships on one disc, everything, both the game and the show.

And the idea is...they're meant to be consumed together, and the idea is that you first play through an act of the game, and then you get to watch an episode of the show. And so they're...kind of, acts of the game are inter-weaved with the episodes of the show. And what we have there kind of as a connecting tissue is that we have these moments of choice that are related to the fiction of time powers, and the antagonist, Paul Serene (sp?) who has the most powerful time powers of all. He has this, ability, this...junction ability, where he can see glimpses of different futures, of different timelines.

And actually in these junction moments, it's always like...a dynamic, player created cliffhanger at the end of each act of the game. You get to play the bad guy, you get to explore these glimpses and visions of two different futures at each junction point, and you make a choice which future comes to be. And with that, we shift to an episode of the show, and immediately there at the beginning of each episode, the first scene already clearly shows you alternate content depending on which choice you make.

And it works both ways, so very much, kind of, what you have in the game and what you do in the game reflects your custom experience of the show, but then again when you watch an episode of the show, you see things, learn things, that are clues for you when you go back to the next act of the game and play it through, with those clues you can find certain things and unlock further material."
Beiträge: 19413
Registriert: 22.02.2009 20:25
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Bedameister »

http://www.vg247.com/2013/11/23/quantum ... e-villain/

Man wird im Spiel auch den Bösewicht spielen, find ich ne coole Idee.

Bei American Nightmare hätte ich auch gerne mal Mr.Skratch gespielt
Beiträge: 19413
Registriert: 22.02.2009 20:25
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Bedameister »

Quantum Break wird als erstes Spiel das Digital Molecular Matter System nutzen.
Pixelux Entertainment announced today that Remedy Entertainment is the first to use the new Digital Molecular Matter (DMM) Playback System for high quality in-game destruction in their upcoming Xbox One Title, "Quantum Break". Microsoft showed "Quantum Break" during its May 21st Xbox One presentation as one of the launch titles for its new console..

DMM is a deformation-based fracture system that simulates the physical properties of any material using finite element analysis. If a structure exists - big or small, dense or thin, floppy or rigid - DMM causes it to react in the same way as dictated by reality. For example, wood doesn't simply break along a predetermined seam every time - rather, it bends and splinters into pieces from the point of impact. The same rules apply to any substance imaginable: rubber bends and snaps back into place. Glass shatters. Steel dents and bends. Plastic deforms. DMM can even simulate plants and organic objects through the adjustment of 14 different material physics settings ranging from toughness to volume preservation.

DMM has been incorporated into a Maya plugin that can be used to author very high-end destruction scenes. To date, over 20 feature films, commercials and even TV series have had key destruction sequences created using DMM technology.

The DMM Playback system allows 3-dimensional animations produced with the DMM plugin to be played back in-game with real-time performance. DMM Playback makes use of GPU-acceleration to minimize CPU overhead.

"DMM has played a key role in shaping Quantum Break, our vision of next-gen entertainment. We have been able to simulate complex scenarios on a scale that hasn't been possible before and then allow players experience them in real time. Can't wait to show the world more of what we're able to do!", said Mikko Uromo, Tech Team Lead at Remedy Entertainment.
http://www.pixelux.com/Remedy-QuantumBr ... ID=9242259

Interessiert das ganze hier eigentlich irgendwen? Wenn nich brauch ich mir garnichtmehr die Mühe machen sowas überhaupt zu posten :Blauesauge:
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Registriert: 25.08.2008 11:33
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Alking »

Hammer Game, hier etwas Gameplay als gif: http://gamefront.de/archiv10-2013-gamef ... -Clip.html

Also ich liebe remedy und bin einfach nur gespannt was das wird. Cool ist dass die Serie ebenfalls mit auf der spieledisc sein wird, man wird also nicht zum tv schauen gezwungen.

Ich freue mich auf die VGA und bitte beda, du hast nen guten überblick, poste weiterhin links, sonst gehen mir noch infos durch die lappen, danke ;)
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)
Beiträge: 19413
Registriert: 22.02.2009 20:25
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Bedameister »

CryTharsis hat geschrieben:Interessantes zur Facial Capture Methode:

http://www.vg247.com/2013/11/25/quantum ... f-realism/
Klingt vielversprechend

Beiträge: 19413
Registriert: 22.02.2009 20:25
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Bedameister »

Es war zwar schon abzusehen, aber jetzt ist es bestätigt: Bei den VGX am 7. Dezember wird es Gameplay von Quantum Break geben

Beiträge: 6886
Registriert: 25.08.2008 11:33
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Alking »

Hammer! Bin live dabei!
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)
Beiträge: 6886
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Alking »

Sieht klasse aus, aber warum es noch einer tv serie bedarf erschliesst sich mir noch nicht.
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)
Beiträge: 21942
Registriert: 27.05.2011 18:40
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von johndoe1197293 »

Richtig umhauen tut es mich leider nicht. Sieht imho aus wie eine Mischung aus Alan Wake und Uncharted. Hoffentlich wird am Ende mehr draus.
Beiträge: 6886
Registriert: 25.08.2008 11:33
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Re: Quantum Break |OT| "blur the line between gaming and TV"

Beitrag von Alking »

Ich denke vom Gameplay wird das "Zeit anhalten" die frische Prise werden. Ansonsten wird der Augenmerk auf schicke grafik und die story liegen.
Mir persönlich gefällt wie bereits bei allen remedy spielen der Protagonist, der nicht so ein schöngeföhnter 0815 charakter ist. Bisher klingt alles vielversprechend, nur das mit der live Serie verstehe ich noch nicht, also wieso man sich eines solchen stilmittels bedient.
Xbox Series X (25.07.21 - 20.01.2022) | PlayStation 5 (ab Release)