Wolfenstein - Patch 1.2 (deutsch)

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Wolfenstein - Patch 1.2 (deutsch)

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.2 für die deutsche Version von&nbsp;<STRONG>Wolfenstein</STRONG>

<U>Changes PC</U>
- Players will now receive their proper gold and stats at the end of the match instead of occasionally losing their gold and upgrades
- New legal text
- Global chat is now UNavailable in spectator mode
- Objective explosions don’t count towards team kills (they will however still kill a player)
- The dedicated servers will now sort correctly by ping
- A waiting bar has been added when waiting for the servers to appear
- When the player goes into the game, the auto-assign selection is highlighted gold instead of black
- Competition mode (all unlocks available, option to turn off the arrows above enemy players)
- MP43 and MP40 are adjusted in terms of damage, range and accuracy.
- Pressing T will bring up the chat box without also entering the letter T as the first letter
- Panzershrek has more splash damage
- Veil Sight drains veil energy more quickly
- Ironsights is more effective
- Amount of ammo picked up off of dead players is reduced.

Hier geht es zum Download: Wolfenstein - Patch 1.2 (deutsch)