Europa Universalis III - Heir to the Throne - Englische Demo

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Europa Universalis III - Heir to the Throne - Englische Demo

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Englische Demo zu <STRONG>Europa Universalis III - Heir to the Throne</STRONG>

<U>Hinweis</U>: Europa Universalis III&nbsp;sowie die ersten beiden Expansionen sind erforderlich, damit ihr die Demo spielen könnt.

<EM>A demo for Europa Universalis III's expansion pack 'Heir to the Throne,' containing a "a timed experience of what the full expansion is set to offer, with the option to play as one of eight major European powers between the turbulent years of 1492 and 1550."

You will need Europa Universalis III as well as the first two expansion packs installed to play this demo.</EM>

Hier geht es zum Download: Europa Universalis III - Heir to the Throne - Englische Demo