Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance - Patch #2

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Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance - Patch #2

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Zweiter Patch für die deutsche Version von&nbsp;<STRONG>Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance
<STRONG><U>Hinweis</U></STRONG>:&nbsp;Diese Datei ist ein Download-Programm von den Larian Studios (Entwickler des Spiels). Mit diesem Tool wird der Patch (1,6 GB)&nbsp;dann&nbsp;automatisch runtergeladen.

<STRONG><U>Patch #2
</U></STRONG>The following features and fixes are included with patch 2: <UL><LI>An autopatcher has been included which will download the latest patch when available<LI>You will automatically, of course, also receive patch 1<LI>The changelog of the patch will appear in the autopatcher but currently includes these:<UL><LI>Compatibility fixes for various resolutions on TV<LI>Fix for the physics of the Hall of Echo entrance<LI>A number of minor fixes</LI></UL></LI></UL><STRONG><U>
Patch #1</U></STRONG>
-Nightmare difficulty mode has been added
-The graphic options have been extended
-A number of balancing changes were included (overpowered enchantments, empty containers)
-The interact button now also takes all items in a container
-Compatibility fixes are present for various graphic cards (black screen problem)
-A system fix was introduced that solves issues like invisible npc's and overpowered enemies
-A number of minor fixes were done

Hier geht es zum Download: Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance - Patch #2