Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me
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Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me
ohne diese Leute wären viele wichtige dinge in der Geschichte niemals passiert
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me
Twice I destroyed the light and twice I failed
I left ruin behind me when I returned - But I also carried ruin with me