... pc-market/Russian mobile free-to-play game developer and publisher Mytona is making its debut in the PC space.
The firm is publishing a brand new survival game from fellow Russian studio Fntastic which is set to be announced in June. Mytona has also put a "large" investment behind the project, which Fntastic describes as "revolutionary".
Fntastic is best known for titles including The Wild Eight, Radiant One and Dead Dozen, which all came to PC.
“We really appreciate MyTona's investment in a new project, and thank them for their trust in our team," the company said.
"Since DayZ, The Long Dark, Don’t Starve came out nothing has changed. The game we’re developing is revolutionary in the genre of survival, where stagnation has reigned for many years. We’re going to return the interest of the audience to the genre, as well as the interest of other developers to improve the game industry as a whole.”
Ich spekulier mal in den Raum rein, was passiert sein könnte: Die beiden Brüder haben jahrelang vorgegaukelt mit Fake Trailern, dass sie dieses supergeile Survival-MMO entwickeln, welches alle haben wollen und auf ihre Wishlist packen, und sich die ganze Kohle vom Publisher in die eigene Tasche gesteckt, anstatt wirklich daran zu arbeiten. Dann rückte ne Deadline näher weil der Publisher ungeduldig wurde, sie mussten nach den ganzen Jahren etwas abliefern, haben hastig nen Asset Flip zusammengeklöppelt, den Laden dichtgemacht und sich verdünnisiert.