01. Rainbow Six: Vegas
02. Need for Speed: Carbon
03. FIFA 08
04. Assassin's Creed
05. The Eye of Judgment
06. Pirates of the Caribien: Am Ende der Welt
07. Dynasty Warriors 6
08. Resistance: Fall of Men
09. GTA IV
10. UEFA Euro 2008
11. Soul Calibur IV
12. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
13. Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - Platinum
14. Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
15. FIFA 09
16. Heavenly Sword - Platinum
17. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
18. Motorstorm Pacific Rift
19. Lego Batman
20. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
21. Need for Speed Undercover (war ein Geschenk

22. Little Big Planet
23. Oblivion GOTY-Edition - Platinum
24. Burnout Paradise - Platinum
25. Uncharted: Drakes Schicksal - Platinum
26. Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga (UK)
27. Prince of Persia (UK)
28. Spiderman: Web of Shadows (UK)
29. Resistance 2 (UK)
30. Killzone 2 (UK)
31. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 - Platinum (UK)
32. Army of Two (UK)
33. Eternal Sonata
34. Beijing 2008
35. Red Faction Guerrilla (UK)
36. Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires
37. Lair (UK)
38. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
39. Legendary (UK)
40. Rockband 2 (UK)
41. FIFA 10
42. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
43. Tekken 6
44. Lego Rockband
45. The Beatles: Rockband
46. Rock Band
47. NBA Live 2010 (UK)
48. The Lord of the Rings Conquest (UK)
49. Heavy Rain
50. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
51. Final Fantasy XIII
52. Star Ocean The Last Hope: International (UK)
53. FIFA WM 2010
54. Modnation Racer
55. Red Dead Redemption
56. Green Day: Rock Band
57. FIFA 11
58. Resident Evil 5 - Gold Edition
59. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - Collector's Edition
60. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
61. Rock Band 3
62. BlazBlue - Calamity Trigger (UK)
63. Prince of Persia Trilogy
01. Tekken 5 DR: Online
02. Warhawk
03. Prince of Persia Classic
04. Pixel Junk Monsters
05. 3 on 3 NHL Arcade
06. Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars
07. Ragdoll KongFu - Fists of Plastic
08. Craystal Defenders
09. Shatter
10. Trine
11. Pixeljunk Shooter
12. Peggle
13. Frogger Returns
14. Greed Corp
15. Pixeljunk Monsters Encore
16. Joe Danger
17. Castle Crashers
18. God of War
19. God of War II
20. Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalker