CryTharsis hat geschrieben:
Sorry, aber da muss ich jetzt etwas schmunzeln: zuerst sich darüber aufregen, dass die XO Version für die niedrige Ausflösung und die allgemein schlechtere Grafik (im Vergleich zum PS4 Port) kritisiert wird....
(das sei ja sowieso alles "nicht sichtbar") und jetzt plötzlich der Schock?!
Was hast du erwartet?
Und ja, das mit den Frames ist leider auch so. Das Spiel zielt auf der XO noch nicht einmal auf 60 frames ab und liegt konstant 10 fps+ unter der PS4 Variante, trotz deutlich schwächerer Grafik. ... n-face-off
Ich hoffe wirklich, dass die Entwickler so etwas zukünftig auf das grafische Niveau der PS4 hieven können.
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Thankfully for Battlefield 4, these sharpening artefacts have been entirely removed for its final release on Xbox One. The aliasing issues still persist in a typical manner for a 720p game, but not in such a vicious capacity as was once the case. This doesn't excuse the Xbox One's image quality by comparison to the 900p output on PS4, but it's one less point of concern if this is the only version you intend to buy.
In practise, the effect is most easily spotted as a light shade around a player's gun when approaching a wall, and pulls the Xbox One release in line with Sony's platform as far as effects, lighting and shadows are concerned.
One stone left unturned is a frame-rate analysis of Xbox One's multiplayer mode - there were network problems on the first day of our Stockholm visit, meaning we could only look at the campaign mode. The PS4 version clearly struggled though, and likewise, for fully saturated 64-player Conquest Large games what we get here is a frame-rate that falls far below 60fps. Flood Zone gives us the biggest drop, going down to 30fps while swimming through a submerged ground floor of a building, but the overall experience across a breadth of levels is predominantly between 40-50fps on both Xbox One and PS4. Much of this has to do with the destruction dynamic, where walking through the debris of a levelled skyscraper in the Siege on Shanghai stage gives us a constant 40fps, for example.
Die 10 FPS auf die du dich beziehst, gelten rein für die Kampagne, und BF lebt vom MP...
To settle the performance debate once and for all though, we defer to our matching tests of the campaign mode. While more corridor-heavy by design, the Frostbite 3 engine is pushed to its extremes during the sandbox-style battles across Baku, plus a number of effects-heavy in-engine cut-scenes. The Xbox One scrapes a singular lead during an early set-piece, involving the floor giving way to a sea of alpha and particle effects - but this is an anomaly given what follows.
For every other sequence, we see a consistent delta of 10fps in the PS4's favour; from the docking of a rainy, battle-torn Singaporean beach to the ripping in half of an airship carrier. At its peak, the PS4 takes up to a 16fps lead also, leaving the Xbox One stuttering along in the face of alpha effects during the Baku mission's towering explosions. Let there be no doubt that the PS4 has a huge advantage in frame-rate and overall smoothness of control, then - just one which doesn't satisfactorily translate to the multiplayer side.
Wie immer alle so tun als würde Tag und Nacht zwischen BF 4 auf der One und der PS 4 liegen, das gilt nur für PC vs PS4/One.