Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Demo

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Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Demo

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Demo zu <STRONG>Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga</STRONG>

In this demo, you will live the beginning of your adventure as a Dragon Slayer. A Dragon Knight has been sighted in the surroundings of Broken Valley, and this is your chance as the latest initiate of your Order to prove your value! Exploration will be rewarding, as many epic battles, numerous quests and rewards await you around e...</BR>

Hier geht es zum Download: Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga - Demo
Beiträge: 45
Registriert: 19.12.2006 03:47
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Beitrag von nonano »

Achtung! Das ist die alte Demo von 2009! Nichts Neues außer Werbung....