... ?t=1922738jasonr, Valve hat geschrieben: There's a new Steam Beta client available. To access the Beta, go to File -> Settings. On the Account tab press the Change... button to open the Beta Participation dialog. Then Select Beta Update, and allow Steam to restart itself. Here are the specific changes:
- Initial client side support for upcoming improved content delivery system (groundwork for future performance/reliability improvements to downloads)
- Added “copy link” option to web browser right click menu
- Added suggested friends from Facebook display in client, if you’ve linked with Facebook
- Added the ability to push screenshots to Facebook after upload
Bug Fixes
- Improved responsiveness of loading web pages in the client and in-game overlay browser
- Fixed a bug confusing cached HEAD request response with GET requests in Steamworks HTTP interface
- Improved fallback to different servers if first client connection attempt is to a down server
- Fixed a bug not immediately logging off on shutdown in some cases, leaving your state online until a timeout period was passed
- Improved line breaking/wrapping for most Asian languages
- Fixed a rare crash on shutdown in the browser control
- Fixed the store and community sometimes using English in the overlay instead obeying the user's language setting
- Improved Japanese font rendering on the Store and Community for users on Windows Vista or later
- The Steam client now detects if you’re not logged into the Steam Community or Store web pages, and automatically re-authenticates
Das wirklich interessante ist das Content Delivery System: ... ostcount=9AwayToHit hat geschrieben: Does that mean Steam will not delete large files anymore and redownload them again (example: The Witcher 2 ) but instead patch them by only modifying the file? because that would be sweet
Die Antwort: ... stcount=11jmccaskey, Valve hat geschrieben: Yes, better incremental patching of large files (without the developers having to think about it in advance) is one thing it improves. We'll talk more about what the new content system improves when it gets closer to fully rolling out
Dürfte so manchen User mit Bandbreitencap freuen. Bei uns in DE weniger ein Problem, aber die Australier beschweren sich ja ständig^^.