Football Manager 2010 - Patch 10.1.1

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Football Manager 2010 - Patch 10.1.1

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 10.1.1 für <STRONG>Football Manager 2010&nbsp;</STRONG>von Sega und Sports Interactive; für die Retail-Fassung (nicht die digital vertriebene Version)

<U>Football Manager 2010 v10.1.1
</U>- Fixed the game running out of memory when entering a match for some users
- Fixed the game sometimes losing activated status on Uniloc-protected versions
- Fixed a Mac-only crash relating the incorrect loading of a sound file
- Fixed a rare crash in the tactics panel
- Fixed rare issue with score divergence
- Fixed occasional crash when responding to red card

Hier geht es zum Download: Football Manager 2010 - Patch 10.1.1