Solium Infernum - Patch 1.03

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Solium Infernum - Patch 1.03

Beitrag von 4P|BOT2 »

Patch 1.03 für <STRONG>Solium Infernum</STRONG>

It is highly recommended that all players in a PBEM game update to the newest version (1.03). It is possible for players and hosts to run under different versions (1.02 and 1.03) but this is not preferred. 1.01 & 1.01a are NOT compatible with 1.02 or 1.03 and MUST be upgraded to play with others who are. The host should definitely upgrade as this provides all the turn resolution fixes.

The version number is visible in the bottom left of the Main Menu screen. It should read 1.03 after update

The update is a self extracting .exe that will overwrite three files in the default location Program Files\Cryptic Comet\Solium Infernum

Make sure the the default target destination of the extractor is the correct location. You may need to select this manually.
The version number is visible in the bottom left of the Main Menu screen.

<U>Update Notes v1.03
</U>-Fixed bug where AI using Pain & Punishment ritual could cause crash
-Fixed bug where AI could capture stronghold during vendetta because of error in targeting algorithm
-Fixed bug in AI Goal for capturing enemy Places of Power where alternatives to direct assault were not being considered and goal was failing prematurely
-Fixed bug where AI could ignore ritual bans in certain circumstances
-Fixed bug where tribute card could be create with 0 for one of the resources
-Fixed bug in AI calculate permutations algorithm
-Fixed bug where Place of Power that rebelled because of Blackest Insurrection event would retain a Praetor as an attachment
-Fixed bug where movement through own stronghold to attack adjacent hex was being halted by bad Blood Lord/Vassal detection code
-Fixed bug where Avatar Names that were slightly different could be loaded instead of the intended avatar. This was a failure to sort error.
-Fixed bug where Paladin in Hell event could target artifact that was on legion embarked on Infernal Crusade
-Fixed bug where Corruption of Essence was not correctly canceling out opponents rituals causing a script error
-Fixed bug where relics were not being transferred over to new owner of a captured place of power.
-Fixed bug where reshuffle failed to prevent duplicate events in some rare cases.
-Fixed bug where Angelic Host could cause AI to cycle endless between pathing goals while trying to avoid it
-Fixed bug loophole where AI could still perform some 4+ level rituals even if event had banned them.
-Fixed iron man delete not working
-Fixed bug where details of combat with Champion of Pandemonium were not visible to all players
-Fixed bug where attempting to banish a praetor that had already been banished that turn caused a script error
-Fixed bug in display of starting hit points for Grand Tournament and Champion of Pandemonium single combats
-Fixed bug where manuscript that trains legion in loyalty could be applied to personal guard with unpredictable results since value is symbol and not integer
-Fixed bug where Secret Manipulation ritual was not marking legions as having been moved when successful
-Fixed bug in up and down scroll for responding to events with a large selection of items
-Fixed bug in Beast event log item that would occur if devastated place of power was former stronghold of banished Archfiend

<U>UI Improvement
</U>-Right click on the tribute pad when the tribute tab is selected now auto sorts the tribute cards according to the Tom Chick method.

<U>Update Notes v1.02
</U>-Fixed bug where Infernal Dissipation artifact power would cause script error when used on Place of Power
-Fixed bug where Panic artifact power was enhancing and not decreasing the targets combat attributes
-Fixed bug where Favorite of the Conclave event was being ignored by AI players
-Fixed bug where Intel Failure event was not preventing prestige from being visible during some player info dialogue boxes
-Fixed bug where dissolution of Conclave after all players were eliminated or excommunicated was not happening
-Fixed bug where Mountain Walk legion could gain control of mountain hex
-Fixed capture Pandemonium warning not clearing after acknowledgement
-Fixed master of bazaar warning in Bazaar not clearing after acknowledgement
-Fixed bug where Praetor could not be removed from some Places of Power
-Fixed bug where Cancel Conclave decrees was not affecting some decrees.
-Fixed bug where Grand Tournament of Pandemonium could get multiple copies of entrant from same player
-Fixed bug where relic in ritual slot could cause script error if check was made for continuous ritual
-Fixed bug where AI would cycle endlessly between Goal_BuildForceForUnclaimedPoPCapture and Goal_CaptureUnclaimedPoP because the algorithm to select assaulting legions was different
-Fixed bug where legion flying to attack PoP and being forced to retreat without valid retreat hex could be removed from the board but not the game
-Fixed bug where when legion was destroyed by Destruction ritual, a view legion button was generated for the message in the turn log. Clicking on button caused script error.
-Fixed bug where Oath of Retribution would not trigger if Champion was in second slot of the single combat (defending)
-Fixed error in algorithm for generating starting legions for players
-Fixed bug where training Praetor with Bone Breaker could fail if manuscripts were placed in a wrong order (all other training manuscripts were not affected)
-Fixed bug where banished AI player could try to reconstitute its personal guard

<U>Change to PBEM Game Naming
</U>-You may now only use letters and numbers to name a PBEM game. Spaces between words or at the end of the name are not allowed.

<U>AI Fixes
</U>-Fixed design error where Turtle type strategies could be generated for all opponents since they represent 25% of the AI Archetypes
-Allowed turtle Archetypes to bully weak neighbors and not just runaway leaders
-Decreased the threshold for detecting potential runaway leader
-Increased stochastic element for AI decision making on Vendetta when projected win rate is close to 50% for some AI sub personalities. in the Aggressive Wrath, Deceit, and Wickedness Archetype categories

Hier geht es zum Download: Solium Infernum - Patch 1.03